Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
what point to prove? That the wokes run the country and not them? They were waiting for an excuse to spend their weekend fighting. That's not a sport.
It's weird that they waited so long. When was the last time they rioted in Sunderland? Did anything change to make them riot now?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
You can use basic logic to debunk that chart.
1. Did the police or government do anything to reduce violent crime. Answer is no.
2. Was there anything that changed the basic nature of human beings that would make them less violent. Answer is no.
3. We're there any new religions taken up by enough people to prevent them from being violent. Answer is no.
4. We're there any other factors that stopped people being violent. Answer is yes for 2021. Lockdowns removed some opportunities, but created more opportunities for domestic violence.
5. Any other factors. Answer is no.

For violence to reduce, there would have to be causal factors. Running Eastender shows about how an innocent school kid gets sucked into extreme right wing violence is good for comedy, but does nothing to reduce violence.
There's plenty of academic discussion on why crime has reduced (across the world). I wasn't suggesting the huge increase in immigration over the last few years caused the reduction in violent crime, more saying that the pre-existing trend downwards has continued during those years. Online echo chambers don't match reality ( thats a feature not a bug)



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It's weird that they waited so long. When was the last time they rioted in Sunderland? Did anything change to make them riot now?
I think it happened to be Sunderland. Some group makes a suggestion then others join in. You can see some wore a kind of uniform in grey track suit, grey top, grey hood making the job harder for the police to pick out the individuals from videos. Those guys can just as easily travel to Amsterdam or Berlin. Tell me in your view, why Sunderland?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
Tell me in your view, why Sunderland?
They're ordinary working class guys that like a pint and a ruck on a Friday night. They're fed up with being trodden on, then every time they complain, guys, like you, accuse them of being far right thugs and racists. They've had enough.

Tonight, there will be several more towns and cities full of people saying that they've had enough.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Tonight, there will be several more towns and cities full of people saying that they've had enough.
In your view, who should pay for the damage to roads, vehicles, shop windows etc?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
In your view, who should pay for the damage to roads, vehicles, shop windows etc?
The only people who have the money and mechanism to pay are the taxpayers. The bankers and billionaires running the deep state should pay out of their own money.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
There's plenty of academic discussion on why crime has reduced (across the world). I wasn't suggesting the huge increase in immigration over the last few years caused the reduction in violent crime, more saying that the pre-existing trend downwards has continued during those years. Online echo chambers don't match reality ( thats a feature not a bug)

But it is equally specious Peter, for someone to post Jonathon Portez's graph implying that migration has had no effect on violent crime (see your post from yesterday above).

There are many issues which have influenced the decline in violence across the developed world over that period. Probably the most often written about is the removal of tetra-ethyl lead from petrol. Correlation is not causation as the statisticians so often say, and of course it isn't, but the withdrawal of lead from petrol did not happen everywhere at once, starting in the USA and later elsewhere. Interestingly, the collapse in opportunistic and impulsive crime in young men, follows the imposition of the ban. Wherever and whenever it was withdrawn - a few years later, rates of violent, impulsive and opportunistic crime collapsed among young men. The mechanism proposed for the influence of lead pollution, is that high levels of lead compounds dumped especially heavily on urban streets, were damaging the brains of young people and this was being expressed particularly among young males in their rates of violent incidents and crime. When this stopped, so did the crime they were creating.

That decline shown in the graph has no relevance to the question of whether migration is having an impact on violent crime. Different matters are at play.

Take a look at Sweden which took in a surprisingly large number of middle eastern migrants in the wake of disruptions caused by the so called Arab spring. It is indisputable that the very rapid rise in extreme violence, organised crime and bombings is linked to numbers of very nasty criminal elements imported from the middle east. Use of Kalashnikov rifles and hand grenades were unheard of before that population shift. They are now common. Murder rates linked to organised crime have escalated. There is also clear evidence of a rise in sexual crimes against women, which was also evident in Germany some time back. This is not just correlational 'evidence' which is weak. The ethnic origin of the criminals is clear, and the cause of the rise is the failure of the plan to incorporate large foreign populations from unstable and violent areas.

We don't have to look to foreign data on violent crime linked to groups from unstable regions.
Last year the majority of irregular migrants arriving here in small boats were Albanian. Many of these were criminals transferring here to establish criminal networks. Right now, twelve percent of all foreign national prisoners in UK jails are in fact Albanian. This surprising figure (referenced above yesterday by me with government sourced data) coming from a very small minority in the UK population. One would expect that UK origin people would predominate in the UK jail population and they do, but the proportion is smaller than the proportion of UK origin people in the uk which means a greater proportion of prisoners are of foreign origin than would be expected if the populations were equally prey to criminality.

We have also seen significant rises in types of crimes pretty much unknown in the UK population before now. Honour killings, use of corrosive substances to blind and disfigure, forced marriage, sexual grooming gangs. Hundreds of now convicted men of certain ethnicity have been convicted of this kind of foul abuse. Anyone who has not been purposely hiding from reality knows this.

I actually know someone who dealt with the corrosive substance attacker, Abdul Ezedi, before he travelled three hundred miles from Newcastle to Clapham to commit the horrific attack on an ex partner and her children. The person concerned, a female, was afraid in his presence and warned colleagues that he ought to be seen only by male workers. While Ezedi managed to deceive naive clergymen into supporting his application for leave to remain in the UK after his asylum claims had been rejected, and in spite of their knowing he had been convicted of a sexual offence, those dealing with him in those churches, insisted on his being supervised at all times by responsible males while he was in the presence of female parishioners and children. We have a plague of what I call 'do-gooderism' afflicting naive, liberal people who look the other way at the problems of irregular, un-vetted, entirely illegal migration into the UK.

Nobody and certainly not me, is saying that we should stop all migration, or that all migrants are problematic. This is not the case at all, but we should completely reject illegal migrants. Not to do so invites societal harm.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
They're ordinary working class guys that like a pint and a ruck on a Friday night. They're fed up with being trodden on, then every time they complain, guys, like you, accuse them of being far right thugs and racists. They've had enough.

Tonight, there will be several more towns and cities full of people saying that they've had enough.
I have no time for riot and criminal damage myself.

I agree that many people have had enough of their concerns being laughed at by people who have more power than they do. If you know working class tradesmen, and I know you do, it pretty soon becomes clear that they are sick of being undercut by cheap migrant labour. The situation is much worse in distribution, warehousing and semi and unskilled work.

It goes down badly with such workers that the better off just LOVE having a really low cost nanny and cheap Polish builders among others they see as 'lower class workers'.

Add to that the large numbers on council house waiting lists seeing people who have just arrived being given council accommodation and resentment is high.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
What absolute bullshyt.

Probably the very worst aspect of the modern world is the absolute lack of regard for the truth.

Plausible liars making money from simple minded people.

How anyone can fall for this cr ap is a source of despair for me.

We know what happened. Al-Queda operatives boarded planes, armed with knives, took them over and flew them into symbolic buildings like the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.

On one of the planes, passengers fought the attackers and the plane crashed in a field.

How people can be stupid enough to believe in this stuff is a mystery. Those people should probably be taken into care and prevented from accessing the Internet. They are the sort of people who believe that Trump organised a staged assassination attempt which resulted in a small wound to his ear and the death of another man and critical injuries to two others because he wanted to be sure he would win the election in November..... Yes - please hire a REALLY poor shot, give him an assault rifle (low grade poor quality) and have him fire a lot of shots in my direction....
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  • :D
Reactions: POLLY


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
Al-Queda funded buy the cia

wtc 7 just fell over

i watched it live and plenty said could here explosions from all 3 buildings like controlled demolition.

and the bbc said live on the wtc7 had gone yet still up in the live stream pmsl.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
the corporate deep state tried to kill trump and fooked it all up oh well.

Iran to bomb any time now :p


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015

beef :cool:


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jun 2, 2024
Al-Queda funded buy the cia

They thought they would fight the Russians occupying Afghanistan in the 1980s. Only thing was, the Frankenstein monster they funded did not want to stop when Ivan went home.

wtc 7 just fell over

i watched it live and plenty said could here explosions from all 3 buildings like controlled demolition.
So did I

It looked exactly like what I would expect if a 300 tonne air liner had flown into a sky scraper building carrying about a hundred tonnes of kerosene and burned furiously for a protracted period.

I well remember a department store fire in 1969 in the city centre.
I came out of a cinema with my girlfriend and here was this raging fire. What struck me most was how really huge girders that supported the building turned into a thick red hot, pliable rubber, started to bend and then actually drip molten steel. As they failed, the structure collapsed all around them. These days you would never be allowed to be anywhere near. Back then, we stood a little way off and watched that building come down. It was very loud and noisy. I found a picture for you. I was standing opposite it, further down the street, watching.


In the end, the WTC buildings failed the same way. Massive fire, molten girders, collapse, and when some floors started to come down, a massive amount of kinetic force was dumped on lower floors bringing down the whole pack of cards.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
Floors 46–47 were mechanical floors, as were the bottom six floors and part of the seventh floor. According to CoStar Group, floors 9 and 10 of 7 WTC were occupied by the Secret Service. The CIA had offices on the 25th floor of 7 WTC, as reported by the Associated Press.

fkn handy that was :p



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
A polarisation engine’: how social media has created a ‘perfect storm’ for UK’s far-right riots

Algorithms that send the most outrageous comments viral and a chain reaction of anger and disinformation made the riots that followed the Southport killings inevitable

"Yet, although the UK authorities in theory understand these threats – in 2021, the head of MI5, Ken McCallum, described far-right extremism as the greatest domestic terror threat facing Britain – the fundamental technological issues have not been addressed."



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015