The wind has dropped out of the wind farms according to this guy. He makes a good case. Is he right?
Wind Farms Financial Collapse Don't Tell Ed Miliband
Wind Farms Financial Collapse Don't Tell Ed Miliband
Are you talking about the windrise project off the coast of New York?The wind has dropped out of the wind farms according to this guy. He makes a good case. Is he right?
Wind Farms Financial Collapse Don't Tell Ed Miliband
Orestead stock price decline is mostly down to Trump:The wind has dropped out of the wind farms according to this guy. He makes a good case. Is he right?
Wind Farms Financial Collapse Don't Tell Ed Miliband
"In the UK, it could "become horribly, horribly cold … like living in northern Norway," Prof Thornalley warns."
Ha ha ha - very scientific information. Especially when the actual data suggest it might cause a half a degree centigrade cooling in London. This sort of scare mongering hysterical negativity is what brings science into disrepute. Some of these people have abandoned science - actual measurements and sensible discussion of results and they have become propagandists and polemicists. There is a big difference between the two ways of communicating.
If you think they're going to be manipulated into making a profit, why don't you invest in them? If Trump an Elon are doing it, it's probably a good thing.Dows this look like corruption to you?
Maybe should be reworded:If Trump an Elon are doing it, it's probably a good thing.
South Sea Company said:An undertaking of great advantage, but nobody
to know what it is.
For them.Maybe should be reworded:
If Trump an Elon are doing it, it's probably profitable.
It's not a profit for outsiders. Trump will give statutory protection to virtual coins. It may push up the price of bitcoin but it's a massive liability for taxpayers. It's also conflict of interest, as trump and his club of billionaires have created a lot of those coins. Trump removed SEC's supervision, fraud protection etc. You can look up trump's removal of consuner financial protection board (CFPB). Trump will announce new tax cut next week or very soon. It's pretty much theft on a huge scale. The market for coins run into trillions. Trump and his friends can potentially cause collapse of the dollar and western capitalism.If you think they're going to be manipulated into making a profit, why don't you invest in them? If Trump an Elon are doing it, it's probably a good thing.
you can create as many coins as you like. It's not a business but selling it is.Investments that are sound are based on proper businesses with assets and profits made from doing something.
And who else would they consider.For them.