No it isn't. Right now the UK is generating 20.57 Gwatts from wind power.Was, not is. We just had a storm, which changed a few things.
In the last twenty four hours the average power generated by wind has been 21.1 Gwatts which is 61% of our total power demand.

This website shows power sources to grid, every five minutes.

National Grid: Live
Shows the live status of Great Britain’s electric power transmission network

National grid is paying £08.37 per kilowatt hour for the energy. When the wind isn't blowing it is more like £0.20 to £0.30 per kilowatt hour.
It works most of the time, but when it is calm we need to have 25 Gwatts of gas turbine power ready to fire up. That is where I diverge from that dolt Miliband who thinks we can run during a winter high pressure event for three weeks on battery power.
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