Prices of the electricity we use to charge


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Quantum Physicists Found a New, Safer Way to Navigate
GPS can be hacked, so airplanes and ships need a backup system. These quantum physicists think they have an answer.



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
How I turned an old phone into a NAS
  • You can easily turn an old Android phone into a basic NAS for sharing data among your devices.
  • MiXplorer allows you to host servers on your Android phone, enabling easy file transfers and backup.
  • For more advanced NAS capabilities, consider rooting your phone and using Docker to deploy containers.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
UBC super-black wood can improve telescopes, optical devices and consumer goods

By sheer accident, UBC researchers created a new super-black material that absorbs almost all light and trademarked it as Nxylon.

"Measurements by Texas A&M University’s department of physics and astronomy confirmed that the material reflected less than one per cent of visible light, absorbing almost all the light that struck it. "



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
The real story of the news website accused of fuelling riots

"They’re all linked to Channel3Now - a website whose story giving a false name for the 17-year-old charged over the Southport attack was widely quoted in viral posts on X. Channel3Now also wrongly suggested the attacker was an asylum seeker who arrived in the UK by boat last year.

This, combined with untrue claims the attacker was a Muslim from other sources, has been widely blamed for contributing to riots across the UK - some of which have targeted mosques and Muslim communities.

What I found appears to be a commercial operation attempting to aggregate crime news while making money on social media."
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
NASA says Boeing Starliner astronauts may fly home on SpaceX in 2025

"For weeks, NASA has downplayed problems experienced by Starliner, a Boeing spacecraft that took two astronauts to the International Space Station in June.
But on Wednesday, NASA officials admitted that the issues might be more serious than first thought and that the astronauts might not return on the Boeing vehicle, after all."



Esteemed Pedelecer
May 3, 2023
Trying to Capitalize on Anti-Migrant Riots Could Backfire on U.K.’s Far Right

The public’s reaction to the recent rioting has been resoundingly negative, suggesting that using the unrest to push anti-immigrant policies could backfire, at least in the short term.

"Researchers have often found that when immigration becomes more salient, it increases support for the far right. That may be one reason mainstream-right parties often fail to win back far-right voters by adopting similar platforms on immigration: Doing so pushes the issue into public consciousness and debate, making it more salient, which then often leads voters to support the far-right parties most associated with anti-immigration policies."

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
I am the grandson and great grandson of immigrants on two sides of my family. The question isn't 'immigrants' . The questions are:

How many?
Are there enough homes?
What kind of immigrants?
How skilled or unskilled are they?
What contribution can they make?
Are they are criminals?
Who controls our borders?

There is nothing unusual or controversial about asking these kinds of questions in making policy in any civilised country outside Europe which has abandoned all control pretty much and left the criminal traffickers to decide it for them.

Try walking into Canada, New Zealand, Australia or the USA. Try it in Japan.

When did I mention Islam?

I didn't you stupid f ---ker!

I mentioned criminal behaviour!

YOU brought up Islam.

YOU brought up genetics earlier.

Not me.
It's geography not government policy that determines the numbers of migrants. So the USA has millions of irregular migrants pouring over the US-Mexican border every year. Australia, New Zealand & Japan can only be reached after a long sea voyage. Europe has a land border with Asia & is just a few miles across the sea from Africa.

It's all but impossible to prevent refugees fleeing war in Africa & the Middle East arriving in Europe. The number arriving in the UK is a fraction of those arriving in Europe & again it's the geography.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 19, 2023
In a word no. Because your "top quality sources" are nothing but propaganda.
So, the violent crime figures were from the Crime Survey of England and Wales (widely regarded as the most accurate crime figures , because they survey victims rather than just reported crimes). The immigration figures are from the Office for National Statistics. Both organisations publish their methods and data and are subject to academic and public scrutiny - I await your critique
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Oct 10, 2010
So, the violent crime figures were from the Crime Survey of England and Wales (widely regarded as the most accurate crime figures , because they survey victims rather than just reported crimes). The immigration figures are from the Office for National Statistics. Both organisations publish their methods and data and are subject to academic and public scrutiny - I await your critique
Widely regarded by whom? How are they more accurate, just because they survey victims. I've just done my own survey by asking victims of violent crimes. It shows that zero % were victims before 2020 and 100% were victims after 2020. That a 10 zillion % increase, which shows your chart to be totally wrong.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2019
Use a bit of intelligence. They didn't turn up in any town, not even those without counter-protesters. It was always a false flag.
Use a bit of intelligence they were scared off by news of the enormous numbers of anti-fascists on the streets of towns & cities all over the country.
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