Oigoi....I am sorry to dissappoint you,but unfortunately bikes in this country fall a long way down our governments list of prorities. They have not yet signed up to EN15194 ,that is 11 years behind the rest of Europe.I think the absence of a way to legally use a S pedelec is part of the problem that the government needs to address. We are part of the european union, other member states have legislation that allows for easy legal use of S pedelecs, so why don't we? Perhaps a useful piece of equipment like an S pedelec would result in a significant drop in car use and a drop in government tax revenues. One of the reasons people are interested in more powerful ebikes is that they offer a viable alternative to car use for a lot of local journeys. But try and carry much weight around on, or drawn behind a 250w ebike you cant even do 15mph, especially if any hills are involved
I suspect over the next few months we will see our government distancing themselves further way from Europe to appeal to the UKIP voters,quote 'I'm not paying this 1.7 million in December'.
I dont suppose the minister for transport even knows what an S pedelec is!!!!
Our government is also distancing itself from Liberal green issues,note canceling all the wind farms and going nuclear,also canceling that stupid air duty tax (which drove many air passengers to fly long haul from Europe rather than the UK)....fuel duty is falling because of lower fuel costs,which means lower tax take,the last thing this government wants is for us all to use our cars less.