My Agutta Has Landed


Oct 25, 2006
I agree Chris, there's too often an intolerance towards the minutest errors. It's an imperfect world and mistakes are made.

I've always found that when something goes wrong, a combination of understanding, tolerance and patience gets things sorted.

The fact is that no company wants to upset customers, it hurts their pocket.

Only when they don't get sorted it is it time for serious complaining, and sadly there has been the occasional case in e-bikes where that's happened.

Critical Mass

Is it still 6kg lighter than the Easy Glider?

I agree that there is no point in bitching about trivial faults and oversights. But I have come across 'misrepresentations' on web sites being used to sell products so many times now, that I am now predisposed to believe that the sellers are lying, rather than that they have innocently erred.

This example looks particularly suspicious.

The Kalkhoff was advertised as much cheaper and much lighter than the Glider (but otherwise substantially similar). But now the seller tells us that he determined the weight of the bikes from a shipping note - on receipt of the goods! So Kalkhoff sold bikes to 50cc without providing even a basic specification of the product? :rolleyes:

Its probably just me. I can be very cynical.


Oct 25, 2006
But it is still lighter by a good margin than the Gazelle Easy Glider (over 28 kilos), and very much cheaper. It also has a high power mode that the Gazelle hasn't got, and that mode on a Biketech model with the same motor unit would cost well over £600 more.

Not too much to complain about there I think. Rather quite a lot to be pleased about.


Finding my (electric) wheels
Nov 10, 2007
Considering that this information only came to light yesterday and that 50cycles are already correcting the information.

I think you have to judge a company on how they respond to a problem, we all make mistakes it is how we put them right that counts as well.

The weight difference is so great between the original 20.8Kg to 25.6Kg that it would have come to light as it has.

I would conclude this is a genuine mistake, that maybe should have been spotted but wasn't.



It's not just you being cynical Critical Mass, I've been a cynic and suspicious for a long time probably due to over 30 years working for the NHS in contrast to when I was working in other countries like Germany and Canada.
Better stop now, I'm going into Victor Meldrew mode, the weather doesn't help either.:(

My bottom line is I am going to collect one tomorrow and if it does what it says on the can I will be happy until I find something else to moan about:rolleyes:



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 22, 2007
I think 50Cycles should take responsibility for what they post on their website - I've said so before.
They should:
1. Write to every customer (by recorded delivery) who has ordered and/or been delivered an Agutta Pedelec apologising for THEIR error.
2. Offer to cancel the order or take the cycle(s) back and refund any payment made.
3. Offer to cover the cost of returning the cycle to Loughborough.

Then and ONLY then will they be able to truly say they really have a "GOOD NATURE".
It may seem like "commercial suicide" but whilst we are using metaphors what they have done (as in the case of my MISREPRESENTED Chopper, never mind the error in offering a GUARANTEE when in the recesses of their mind it was a WARRANTY and they still have not declared that the Battery Warranty is for ONLY 6 MONTHS on the Specification which misleads with "ONE YEARS PARTS AND REPAIRS") IS "Commercial murder".
Fat Chance!

This is all covered by the Distance Selling Regulations. In its essence, if you don't like it when it turns up you can send it back for a full refund - you have 7 days to do this. The guarantee/warranty is a separate issue and well covered in previous posts.

The weight issue doesn't put me off, I was a bit surprised by the claim though. As long as it weighs about the same as my Torq I would be happy (although taking out the battery is does weight more). I am more concerned about having to wait so long for the man's version.


Oct 25, 2006
There are so many stumbling blocks here. As well as the weights with and without battery, there's also the fact that this bike comes in many guises in Germany, for example, with our without sprung forks and with or without hub dynamo. Obviously a bike without either would be very much lighter.

And of course there's the language difference:

Question: What's the weight?

Answer: "4 weeks fur das "step-thru" modele"



Sep 11, 2007
I agree that there is no point in bitching about trivial faults and oversights. But I have come across 'misrepresentations' on web sites being used to sell products so many times now, that I am now predisposed to believe that the sellers are lying, rather than that they have innocently erred.

This example looks particularly suspicious.

The Kalkhoff was advertised as much cheaper and much lighter than the Glider (but otherwise substantially similar). But now the seller tells us that he determined the weight of the bikes from a shipping note - on receipt of the goods! So Kalkhoff sold bikes to 50cc without providing even a basic specification of the product? :rolleyes:

Its probably just me. I can be very cynical.
Hello-well I thought Scott had explained the weight aspect (error)-It is a bit strong to accuse people of lying-yes they should have got detailed specs in the first place-no doubt as a fledging company the will have this covered in the fture.:)


Oct 25, 2006
I think we should blame the Germans for this. The 20.8Kg figure was stated by the Italian supplier as well.
Ja, das schweinhunds!

P.S. Don't mention the war! :D

(That last bit is a very English joke Leonardo, connected with a certain TV program)
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Critical Mass

50 Cycles can blame the Germans if they feel that they were misled. But we should blame 50 Cycles for 'misleading' to us about the weight. (I can't say lying yet because they are still just fledging -having only been in business since 2004).

How old does a company have to be before it becomes responsible for what it puts in its adverts?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 11, 2006
Mere, Wilts
Agutta weight

Hello-well I thought Scott had explained the weight aspect (error)-It is a bit strong to accuse people of lying-yes they should have got detailed specs in the first place-no doubt as a fledging company the will have this covered in the fture.:)
So there are many AGUTTAS. Each one different (size and spec). They don't all have the same weight.
One person's "Trivial Fault" is another's "anathema". One cannot TELL a person what is important to him/her.
It is "a bit strong to accuse people of lying" - that may depend upon the complainant's previous personal experience of the seller.
50Cycles are not a "fledgling company" - they have been in this business since 2003 for which they claim CREDIT!
It has happened before on the CHOPPER that they supplied - they drew no inspiration from my feedback - presumably because they "got away with it". They had to declare me "Persona non Grata" ("we will not let you take advantage of our good nature in the future").
Only a monopolist could say such a thing!


Sep 11, 2007
50 Cycles can blame the Germans if they feel that they were misled. But we should blame 50 Cycles for 'misleading' to us about the weight. (I can't say lying yet because they are still just fledging -having only been in business since 2004).

How old does a company have to be before it becomes responsible for what it puts in its adverts?
Well-have`nt you ever heard of some of the worlds largest companies with misleading adverts.?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 20, 2007
On paper it looks like a quality bike with performance to match...surely a couple of kgs extra doesn't matter as long as it it performs as quoted.If it turns out to be the best bike available in terms of perfrormance then i am sure evryone will be happy


Well-have`nt you ever heard of some of the worlds largest companies with misleading adverts.?
Does that mean it is OK for a little company to use misleading advertising.
One of the big selling features was it's weight and being a worthy sucessor to the briliant Lafree Twist, well it is quite a bit heavier.



Sep 11, 2007
John-it was a mistake that was explained by Scott of 50C, and has now been corrected.If people fell that strong about the weight aspect -dont buy.


Oct 25, 2006
Does that mean it is OK for a little company to use misleading advertising.
One of the big selling features was it's weight and being a worthy sucessor to the briliant Lafree Twist, well it is quite a bit heavier.

Actually it's about the same weight as the Lafree models with 5 or 7 speed hub gears and sprung forks. It's only heavier than the Lafree Twist that I had, which was just over 22 kilos with 3 speed hub and rigid forks.