Electric Mountain Bikes: No one will buy one?!..


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 16, 2014
i think there is a difference between sticking an oar in and hijacking a thread. perhaps the same way there is a difference between expressing an opinion and patronising others in a controlling way. however, that aside, this thread has generated some light (and not just heat), which must be a good thing.
Threads don’t belong to an OP and can’t be hijacked. They are launched and then take on a life of their own. The only exception to that is a classified thread. When disparaging comments about the item or price asked are just rude.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 10, 2014
Threads don’t belong to an OP and can’t be hijacked. They are launched and then take on a life of their own. The only exception to that is a classified thread. When disparaging comments about the item or price asked are just rude.
threads like any other conversation take on a life of their own when others' views are respected, not censored or ridiculed, and when the OP informs it, not when its contrived into a deliberate agenda. I'll leave this here, I'm quite sure this will continue to happen.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 16, 2014
threads like any other conversation take on a life of their own when others' views are respected, not censored or ridiculed, and when the OP informs it, not when its contrived into a deliberate agenda. I'll leave this here, I'm quite sure this will continue to happen.
No. They take on a life of their own and go the way they do just like birds flying the nest. Members can contribute to it or not as they like. It’s a free forum.

Alan Quay

Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 4, 2012
This is one of the reasons I love the internet :) this thread is bumbling along nicely, good bit of infotainment for me and genuinely nearly made me spit my coffee out this morning.

I was already having bizarre flash backs to my previous role as a secondary school teacher and this morning made me realise why. I have to say that d8veh you've now in just one thread reminded me 3 times of the 14 year olds I used to teach in my previous job.

Getting involved in a discussion that really doesn't need to involve you.

I've no problem with this, its a forum, but it does make me chuckle that you feel the need to step in to try to divert the issue away from the one that is actually being discussed and obsess about details that aren't relevant.

instead of responding to the actual issue, you've attempting to divert attention to other dubious misdemeanors of others.

reminded me of a case where I warned a pupil that if he left my classroom with his uniform in such a state, there was a strong possibility he'd have been caught by the head and he'd be in trouble.... Before the pupil had a chance to respond, another... lets call him David... said. "But Sir, Mr (other teacher) has his top button undone all the time"

and then the classic ....."it wasn't me"

which made me laugh the most.

I'm off to find a cloth to wipe the coffee off my desk :)

Good job KTM bike Industries UK. Harassing and bullying two forum members, then scoffing at the results. Really selling your brand there!

Moronic and extremely counter productive I should think.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
(quoted removed by admin as original post now deleted by that poster)

Joined today, first post, bad review of Martin@ebikeshop. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I am very slightly suspicious.

If you are genuine, welcome to the forum.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
so whats wrong with the bike then and why will he not fix it ?

or does his warranty no longer cover the use of dongles?


Esteemed Pedelecer
(quoted removed by admin as original post now deleted by that poster)

To openly acuse a trader of mis selling is quite a serious thing . I wonder.. when you say dongle option, what were the other options and what made you choose the dongle? I too have fallen foul of an uninterested dealer.. twice! But I thought Martin was one of the good guys.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
again what is wrong with the bike then we can help fix it.;)


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
been asking him for 2 years and give up on that 1 lol

as he fitted it he should fix it going off what it says on his web site.

you can buy a new motor if you need 1 as he cant sell them.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I can assure you I am genuine, but spending £5500 on a bike that does not work and no one to turn to! believe me I've tried. I now like a woman scorned and would not like anyone else to waste their money.
It would be interesting to know a bit more detail. For example;

When do you buy it?

What is the nature of the fault?

How long has the bike carried the fauly?

How have you approached Martin, phone, email face to face, all three?

What has Martin said?

What are you expecting as a reasonable outcome?

What have things fallen short of your expected outcome?

This list is not exhaustive, but to come on here and basically say, "Ive bought a bike off Martin and it's **" doesn't give us a great deal of insight into the nature of your complaint.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
The electrics don't work. I have been to a local dealer and they are not interested because the dongle has been fitted.

bit more info as above but bad idea taking it to a shop with the dongle on it.

could just be a lose wire have you taken the cover off to have a look?


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
so is martin now refusing warranty on dongles bikes that he fitted as not what it says on his web site and far from it.

according to him he will honer the warranty on a bike bought from him with a dongle.

but as you say bosch will not honer it on there site thus my question of how he was getting around it as no other dealer will sell dongles let alone fit them.

a new motor is about 500 quid if thats whats wrong with it? the 250 and the 350 are the same motor


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
link above ;) you have to send in ur old motor first b4 they will sell you 1.

warranty void if dongle is used just have to buy another 1


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
These are a lot of Questions. I could answer every point and as you say the list is not exhaustive.
Suffice to say, The point I'm trying to make is, If a retailer is selling a product with advertised accessories on a web site it should state this is outside of the manufacturer's warranty. What you not agree that any retailer should be open and transparent when selling an expensive product, infact any product? I did not know about the dongle until it was too late. I'm a lay person when it comes to bikes and I went on trust.
From what I have read in here, bicycle warranties are different to other consumer products such as televisions and kettles. With a bicycle, and that includes electric bikes, in most cases your warranty is with the dealer who sold it to you. You would probably have received the same response from dealers other than Martin whether a dongle was fitted or not. This situation is not unique to Martin.

Have you spoken to Martin about this? If so, she and what precisely did he say?

I'm no fan of dongles and ileagal bikes, but if you are going to trash a dealer on a public forum, you need to be factual (dates, what was said, outcome), and very specific about your expectations and how these have not been met. It's all a bit too wooly for me at the moment.

You might find that if you approach Martin and explain what is wrong and what you consider to be a reasonable outcome, he will fix it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015