And just who do you want running the country?No, its far more sinister than that, OG says it is.
You have to admire his dedication to thread and his cause. I think he wants Brexit cancelled, Trump shot, you and I sent to a gulag. He never actually says what he, d replace anything with, he, s rather like the Wild Bunch. When asked what they were protesting against..
"what have you got?"
No idea who he wants in charge or even which party.
He only tells us what he doesnt want. Sounds like my grandkids at tea time.
You cant actually criticise somebody who has no affiliation or policies they want implemanting. Its a clever strategy. He, s against everything. He, s got to be right sometimes. Oh, he likes EU. But thats rather misdirected and rather pointless. We need somebody to run country. EU cant and wouldnt. Danidl has all answers. He is very smart you know.
None of you leave fans have any idea do you?