Lovely Fake news in the Express
Brexit Party SURGES past 100,000 registered supporters - ‘Fastest growing movement EVER’
THE Brexit Party has signed up over 100,000 registered supporters, giving them a strong claim to be the fastest growing political movement in the United Kingdom.
Actually it is the smallest
It only has one member!
What it actually is is a cult of the disappointed gullible people who were taken in by the Brexit lies that offered a glowing future
And this is interesting
Following yesterday’s revelations that the ‘Donate’ and ‘Registered Member’ functions on the Brexit Party site were open to abuse with multiple donations, Turlough Conway finds another huge anomaly in the party’s crowd funding claims.
On 21 April
The Sun ran an interview with Nigel Farage during which he opened up his Brexit Party’s PayPal account to show the journalist
“60,000 paid-up supporters in just nine days since its launch”.
The traffic shows that on the Launch day of the Brexit Party only 1,200 visitors – a fraction of the 16,000 £25 supporters Farage claimed had signed up that day
Sun journalist also witnessed Farage logging “on to the PayPal account to let us see the range of people paying £25 to become registered supporters — with 15,811 joining on launch day alone.”
These figures have led Farage to declare a wave of popular support and funding for his new party. However, a review of the web traffic statistics for the site throws severe doubt on this claim.
More Donations and Subscribers than Visitors
Byline Times ran a traffic analysis on the Brexit Party’s website to determine what kind of overall traffic might be needed to produce that level of sign-up. The
site analysis is based on a very large and diverse set of the most common browser extensions and plug-ins and is taken from one of the biggest traffic analysers in the world. (For fairness and comparison we have included the analysis from some of the other major parties). The results were very troubling indeed.
Conservative Party
Labour Party
Green Party

The Brexit Party
The traffic shows that on the launch day of the Brexit Party only received 1,200 visitors – a fraction of the 16,000 £25 supporters Farage claimed had signed up that day. For the nine following days he said 60,000 had signed up, the actual total of visitors looks like less than 10,000.
Even if every single visitor paid money to Brexit Party PayPal account this is only 10% of the total needed for launch day and 16% for the following nine days.
The only conclusion that can be reached is that only a small proportion of PayPal payments were made via the website.
What Is Going On?
How can we explain the anomaly between what the
Sun journalist saw on the 12 April in the Brexit Party’s PayPal account and the reality of the site traffic?
The PayPal totals are from transactions from the website, either from the Donate buttons in the <£500 Donation page, or from Subscriptions via the “Become a Registered Supporter” PayPal Link.
There are lies Damned lies and the Brexit Party.

Who was it said
If you make a lie big enough
And keep saying it
People will believe it.