The attempts to make all schools above average is fair enough.. We should all strive to be better... That's how top football clubs work. They strive to be better, fact not all can is actually irrelevant and fact that if they did... average would rise... So in most things its a fair comment. The stupid one was when some government minister wanted average IQ to be higher... By definition average IQ is 100,so that was stupid. Getting average to rise in none standardised results is not as stupid as it sounds.(for example average height has rissen as a result of better nutrition)Gove eh? that pretty much sums up what you are and represent.
A mathematical genius like yourself who famously declared he wanted "All schools to be above average"
I can see why he appeals to you.
A goal of increasing average scores in lets say maths SATs is perfectly sound. For example average reading age for 14 year olds had rissen since victorian times. If education was actually working average reading ages for 14 year olds would rise year on year... Until all kids could have a reaading age of 14 at 14.(14 is as high as it gets, newspapers generally operate at reading age of 9..Guardian and AAV about 5.)
9 is functional.