Academic success is by no means essential to be good or even fantastic at something in later life. However, would you trust a doctor to operate on a family member, or hand over your pension pot to some bloke who managed 3 E's at A level. (and at a time you got an E for turning up,) Or perhaps ask someone with similar qualifications to represent you in a court of law. I, d guess none of us would but strangely enough some think a chap with this level of academic achievement is qualified to run country.
I,m as far removed from an academic snob as possible but some jobs demand a mind capable of academia , I, d guess running country is such a job. Head of Labour Party...passing 11 plus and a blood test will suffice at moment.
Corbyn is simply incapable of being a PM, his strategy, manifesto and persona just add more evidence saying same.
Basically , in Principle, thinking and effective action is not limited to those with higher education and in this country the leading Universities and Private schools have turned out some of the worst tricksters and shysters imaginable, that support points of view and anti public actions that would get an approving nod from the shade of Attila the Hun.
Nor am I entirely convinced that the Job of being a politician is beyond the scope of mere mortals and in defence of that viewpoint I give you
Who left school initially at thirteen after he did poorly at school and his academic performance was so bad, that his headmaster made him repeat a year. And then had a rather indifferent later education.
It is the spirit of the man or woman that counts in an effective politician, and their moral attitude too, something that the current crop we suffer from lack dismally.
Aneurin achieved the greatest improvement in our long a sordid history by championing the NHS without needing a fancy education to do so.
Don't knock Corbyn on his integrity, commitment and determination, his weakness is when it comes to telling the difference between tactical and strategic decisions and actions, and a somewhat parochial view of what Socialism is all about.