Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
not really. Most of the FT deals can be done via the EU like usual, after all, it's a collective bargaining. Wherever GB may have a competitive edge, is in investment, capital and people movement. they don't interfere with the external duty. Even if a FTA between GB and a third country results in GB charging a different import tariff (I can't imagine with whom, other than the USA, 87%+ of our imports are to countries with whom the EU have a deal), it is a simple administrative procedure to impose additional duty on the re-exporter/importer on specific products when they cross border to the EU. Small fries who illegally import without customs declarations across NI/ROI border would then be subject to usual prosecution.
All irrelevant to the real cause of social danger: this is small beer.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
All irrelevant to the real cause of social danger: this is small beer.
you keep blaming brexit for social dangers. While we are in the EU, the same social dangers exist already.
They are matter for the government of the day.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
you keep blaming brexit for social dangers. While we are in the EU, the same social dangers exist already.
They are matter for the government of the day.
The UK is in infraction with several EU directives already I think what OG is saying is that won't get any better when you leave.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
The UK is in infraction with several EU directives already I think what OG is saying is that won't get any better when you leave.
it'll get better when the tories are kicked out.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
of course, they'll be OK on WTO and so will we, nobody is going to go bankrupt because of brexit. However, both side would want a deal. That's what I am saying.
Overtime, deal or no deal, GB is detaching itself from the EU27 and will economically move into the middle of the Atlantic. We'll gradually work less with the EU27 and more with other countries.
The important point is the growth forecast for different brexit models may mean a lot to governments and businesses, normal life won't see much difference.
Wake up and see what is actually happening, this is not merely a monetary thing but a backward social step that will result in tragedy.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Germany, France, Italy, Benelux and Poland are some of the countries having most to lose if brexit happens without a deal.
In a game of lose lose, both sides have something in common and will have to work out a deal as soon as.
A complete dead end and waste of time, why bother?
Just drop Brexit, it's a stupid idea past it's sell by date, and that was
April the 1st.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
their strength is the support of about 70% of tory card carrying membership who are brexiters.
TM was lucky that Leadsom made a stupid mistake just before they went to their membership's vote. If they kick TM out, she won't be so lucky next time round.
It appalling that the fate of the country hangs on such a squalid little group hardly numerous enough to fill the notorious red campaign bus with £350 million on the side
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It appalling that the fate of the country hangs on such a squalid little group hardly numerous enough to fill the notorious red campaign bus with £350 million on the side
most of them have already one foot in the grave.
It's their nostalgia for simple solutions harking back to when this country had a strong government, strong leaders, strong army etc.. I don't think you'd ever change their votes.


Oct 25, 2006
I find it concerning that only 35 right wing Tories can have such an effect on our country ,they are wielding power out of all proportion to their number
Of course, the penny has just dropped with your mention of the 35.

Boris and co. were right about their aim for £350 millions painted on the bus, once they'd wrested control from the EU.

It's 10 millions each!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
you keep blaming brexit for social dangers. While we are in the EU, the same social dangers exist already.
They are matter for the government of the day.
Wrong again, as this Government regards Brexit to be a the signal to "Take back control" with the approval of a voter's mandate, and that means unraveling all regulations that benefit the people but can be seen to endanger the Profitability of Companies.

They have been patently clear about their intentions, mentioning Singapore should be a dire warning for anyone with an even rudimentary vestige of an operational brain.

And the other lot live in la la land if they think we can be competitive enough to afford the well meaning causes they espouse.
With no Indunstrial base and Trade agreements .
Utter stupidity on the part of all of the shower infesting the HOC.

It is all Pie in the Sky.
The Brexiteers are subverting Parliament to "own" the country and all who sail in her, in a way that the Mafia would regard with approval.

They are staging a Sinister Hostile Internal Takeover.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Overtime, deal or no deal, GB is detaching itself from the EU27 and will economically move into the middle of the Atlantic. We'll gradually work less with the EU27 and more with other countries.
Are you unwell? Which other countries will we trade with on better terms than those we have right now? Please don't tell me that the USA and Canada are likely to be charitable towards the UK because it isn't going to happen - they view the UK's forthcoming predicament as an opportunity to make money, nothing more, nothing less. There's a constant in the North American business model which you'll have heard of; it's commonly referred to as, 'Never give a sucker an even break!' and was the title of a WC Fields movie a long, long time ago.

The UK, post-'Brexit', will be simply an exploitable new source of revenue for the speculators and venture capitalists - such people are not noted for their integrity, loyalty or sense of fair play; nor do they have any interest in democracy or socialism, unsurprisingly.

Neither UK government nor business is equipped to compete in the kind of marketplace in which these opportunist shysters are masters of their stock in trade. Still, your optimism is to be admired I suppose so I wish you this:


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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Are you unwell? Which other countries will we trade with on better terms than those we have right now?
not necessarily on better terms, just more trade with other countries. The rest of the world is bigger than the EU27.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
So what is the point?
the point is, brexit is not economically worse for the UK in the long run. In the next 15 years that economists reckon we'll need to reconfigure our trading partners, we'll lose market share but after reconfiguration, our performance and opportunity will get better. We'll get back slowly what we lose initially in business with the EU27 and develop new opportunities elsewhere. The key point in understanding why so few have changed their mind on brexit is to realize that for most people, their economic wellbeing won't be much affected. If GDP grows 1.5% in 2021 instead of 2%, most people won't feel the difference. After brexit, politicians and governments would be more accountable. Lies like straight bananas and one sized condoms won't work anymore.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
the point is, brexit is not economically worse for the UK in the long run. In the next 15 years that economists reckon we'll need to reconfigure our trading partners, we'll lose market share but after reconfiguration, our performance and opportunity will get better. We'll get back slowly what we lose initially in business with the EU27 and develop new opportunities elsewhere. The key point in understanding why so few have changed their mind on brexit is to realize that for most people, their economic wellbeing won't be much affected. If GDP grows 1.5% in 2021 instead of 2%, most people won't feel the difference. After brexit, politicians and governments would be more accountable. Lies like straight bananas and one sized condoms won't work anymore.
You haven't give a reason, just expressed a hope.
It simply will not do.
You have no proof that any of this will come true, have you?
There needs to be a concrete provable reason for taking a risk with everyone's future, not this nonsense.
There isn't a single thing you have mentioned that we can rely on coming true, is there?
And as for the Government being more accountable, well they might listen, after there are riots in the streets, but till then it will be just more of the same.

It is insane to trust the nation to such an unlikely future without a positive business plan to do so.
You couldn't get a bank loan to kit out a Whelk stall at the Seaside in summer with vagaries.
Please make arguments that make solid sense,with Facts, not fiction.

By the way,how are we going to "Reconfigure our Trading Partners"when they are the ones who will tell us what to do?
They all know how desperate our situation is and will exploit us .

What proof is there that our performance will get better? is the assumption that whipping the workforce metaphorically speaking will work this wonder, or will it be achieved by throwing them out of work to be replaced by automation?
Trouble will result in either scenario, as Trump would say "Bigly"

when you get down to it the only way you can get Brexit to work is to legalise slavery for the working class.
And that will lead to revolution.
Foreigners own 50% of our businesses now, this "Cunning Plan" of Brexit will make the other 50% something they can pick up (assuming the want it) at Car Boot Sale prices.

Answer this conundrum: how can we control the future of our Nation when we don't own it anymore?
As it stands if the present Foreign owners colluded together they could stop us in our tracks tomorrow.
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Oct 25, 2006
not necessarily on better terms, just more trade with other countries. The rest of the world is bigger than the EU27.
Which is why German companies trade so successfully with the rest of the world as well as the EU. Their products are in every country worldwide.

They manage it so why can't we? That's a rhetorical question, the truth is we don't because we are not good enough and we still won't be good enough after leaving the EU.

The problem is not and never has been the EU, so leaving the EU solves nothing.

The problem is us. That is the problem to solve.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Which is why German companies trade so successfully with the rest of the world as well as the EU. Their products are in every country worldwide.

The manage it so why can't we? That's a rhetorical question, the truth is we don't because we are not good enough and we still won't be good enough after leaving the EU.

The problem is not and never has been the EU, so leaving the EU solves nothing.

The problem is us. That is the problem to solve.
And the sort of solutions the Government will employ will result in social upheaval, and still fail.
It is far beyond their capabilities to even comprehend, never mind solve.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
You haven't give a reason, just expressed a hope.
It simply will not do.
You have no proof that any of this will come true, have you?
There needs to be a concrete provable reason for taking a risk with everyone's future, not this nonsense.
there are plenty of clever economists who explain the 'hockey stick' - I only read up with an open mind..
We are not in any desperate situation. Growth is modest but the economy is still growing, immigrants are still coming here in large numbers, divergence is 3 years away and will be managed.
Remainers may hope for the economy to get much worse but it won't because big businesses won't allow it if they can help it.
