The great Nye Bevan pondered long and hard over this many years ago:
In the USA, the great socialist and workers' rights champion, Lucy Parsons had this to say on the matter:
To explain it, we need to understand the power of control, the telling of lies, the non-telling of many truths and bribery on an industrial scale.....that's all it takes when money is no object.
Much as I have always admired Bevan, I can't understand why he found 'the tory way' to be a problem - the answer is pretty simple and has stood the test of time throughout history. The lady from America understood!

In the USA, the great socialist and workers' rights champion, Lucy Parsons had this to say on the matter:

To explain it, we need to understand the power of control, the telling of lies, the non-telling of many truths and bribery on an industrial scale.....that's all it takes when money is no object.
Much as I have always admired Bevan, I can't understand why he found 'the tory way' to be a problem - the answer is pretty simple and has stood the test of time throughout history. The lady from America understood!