Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 28, 2009
The Press would have you believe that 17 Million people expressed "The will of the people" "Restoring Sovereignty" to the Government responsible for presiding over these failures.

Inferring of course that the EU was to blame, and that by voting "leave" all these failures and excesses would come to an end, as those in power would be cowed by "The will of the people"

When will "The Goodness start to flow"
Anyone care to guess?
29 March 2019


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Et tu, Brute?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Forecasting the future is easy.

It will get dark tonight, and
the world will come to an end one day, or night.
Brexit is already a disaster as we predicted.

See? piece of cake.
the Devil is in the detail.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Behind every Tory lie is a Policy of theirs that has failed.
From the Telegraph this morning
Corbyn 'trying to rig election'Minister says attempt to block boundary reforms 'an affront to democracy'
Revealed: how Conservatives were denied at last election because voting system slanted in favour of Labour.

That has to be an admission that the years they have spent rigging voting constituency boundaries haven't worked to their advantage., and they still want to extend the Policy!
Quite incredible that the Telegraph supports this obvious swindle being continued and extended by the Conservative Party
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
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Esteemed Pedelecer
While people in the UK go hungry and many sleep in shop doorways because they cannot afford a roof over their head, relying on food banks to keep them from starving to death, the obscenity that is the royal family are safe in the knowledge that they don't need to lift a finger to ensure their tribe are all well-fed and sheltered from the elements.

This article describes my feelings towards the drain on the exchequer that these inbreds are. I have long since found anything sweet, charming or important about having a royal family - it is an anachronism, a grossly expensive anachronism, paid for by the working poor and is a constant reminder of the class war being conducted against the very people who pay for it.

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Oct 13, 2017
While people in the UK go hungry and many sleep in shop doorways because they cannot afford a roof over their head, relying on food banks to keep them from starving to death,
It is quite disturbing that in 21st century Britain, parts of society have to rely on food banks to survive. The "pull your self up by your own bootstraps" brigade will always blame the individuals for their own circumstances, but it couldn't be further from the truth. I spend a bit of my time, "helping out" and it is saddening to see a whole broad spectrum of society that now have to rely on the good will of others in order to live day to day. People are encouraged daily, if not hourly, if you watch television, to take on debt. Smiling faces at the opportunity to borrow at a crippling 1275% interest loan to get your car fixed, which undoubtedly will be on some other form of finance. I don't see any government advice warning of the pit falls. The government who coined the term "JAM's", as a follow on from the previous financial disasters under Labour, haven't got past the blame game, and I'm afraid enough years have passed for that one not to " wash" anymore. I live in what could be described as an affluent area, and its surprising that in the long time I have lived here, 2017 has been the only year I have ever seen house repo's. There isn't enough money to fix the NHS, but there always is enough to prop up banks, and drop bombs on people in far off lands. Blair is trying to drum up support for a reverse Brexit, but doesn't realise that he is too toxic for anyone to listen, along with most of his red tie Tories.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
While people in the UK go hungry and many sleep in shop doorways because they cannot afford a roof over their head, relying on food banks to keep them from starving to death, the obscenity that is the royal family are safe in the knowledge that they don't need to lift a finger to ensure their tribe are all well-fed and sheltered from the elements.

This article describes my feelings towards the drain on the exchequer that these inbreds are. I have long since found anything sweet, charming or important about having a royal family - it is an anachronism, a grossly expensive anachronism, paid for by the working poor and is a constant reminder of the class war being conducted against the very people who pay for it.

No doubt there is much truth in your post. Our society is deplorably unfair. The gap between very rich and poor is probably at its greatest throughout history. Calling our society civilised and yet still having to have foodbanks and people sleeping on street is a complete contradiction.
But harping on about it continually and highlighting every possible fault of our present government is pointless without ,an explanation for an alternative.

Its like a football fan continually bemoaning his manager and team when there are no better players available.
Yourself and OG have dedicated your time to this thread with nothing but negative posts.
What is your available and viable alternative ?
How would appointing Corbyn PM under a labour govt and staying in EU solve any of your grievences ? It wouldn't.


Oct 13, 2017
What is your available and viable alternative ?
Stop paying aid to countries that have nuclear weapons programs.
Make positive steps towards reducing the national debt.
Get the tax system sorted out.
Stop getting involved in "Americas wars" they're big enough boys.
Make appearing at the house of lords charitable, stop paying them.
Get rid of the various "Tzar's" who generally do f' all.
Start encouraging home grown manufacturing industries.

The list goes on. There are plenty of positive opportunities if a "good housekeeping" policy is adopted and the party in power stops making it advantageous for only the "super rich" to feather their nests in some far off haven. Start getting a country that works together, rather than being ordered to work by some disconnected brute. I assume most of us are on this forum because we own e bikes. Where do they all come from ? I'm no isolationist, but dear me, let's make some of our own stuff. Our manufacturing industry and the skills that went with it were sold down the river, mainly as a result of bad government and bad industrial relations. Companies ransacked by greasy greedy bosses. Philip Green is nothing new, go and google the antics of Lord and Lady Docker.
