Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
I really wish some of the 'Brexidiots' who continue to support the fairytale about a brighter future for the UK and its people after secession would stop trivialising the important issues at stake.

The matter is worthy of the most serious discussion and should be treated as such, as demonstrated in this clip:



Esteemed Pedelecer
Jul 15, 2017
on a lighter note, how about this?

In a lively speech, Thornberry told delegates Johnson had “not been happy lately” in the cabinet. “Apparently he’s sick of being blamed for the way Brexit is going and all the broken promises of the leave campaign,” she said.

“I’m sorry – what? Who does he think made all those promises? Who does he think was in charge of the leave campaign? I know that Boris doesn’t like paternity tests, but maybe we need one for Brexit.

“Maybe we should take him into a studio with Jeremy Kyle: ‘Sorry, Mr Johnson, we got the results back and it looks like this one is one of yours. It must have been that wild night out you had with Michael Gove … I’ve calculated your maintenance payments and that’ll be £350m a week’.”
ironically I have the opposite problem with Boris - that he assumes paternity for anything that vaguely looks as if it may propel him up the slippery slope - for now very hard brexit (while may is weak and he can use it to challenge her leadership to prop himself up as an alternative). he's not so much a serial bigamist, more a serial adopter. if the majority of the electorate voted for paraphilia, I completely expect Johnson to become a key proponent within a week..


Oct 25, 2006
Apparently, Macro is going to suggest a new idea, that the UK can be an associate member if it so wanted. A kind of EFTA for one.
Macron is probably deluded, the EU will never agree any exit for the UK that might appeal to any other EU members.

Or perhaps he sees in that possibility an opportunity for France to do the same?

Either way, Germany and many other northern members will never fall for it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
I really wish some of the 'Brexidiots' who continue to support the fairytale about a brighter future for the UK and its people after secession would stop trivialising the important issues at stake.

The matter is worthy of the most serious discussion and should be treated as such, as demonstrated in this clip:

Do you mean like Corbyn?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
There's talk also of N Korea going even further, offering a trade deal with the UK and the USA but given that the story is attributed to a guy from Denmark with the surname Andersen, I'm inclined to take it with a pinch of Saxo....a very big pinch, in fact!:)

Would that be Anglo saxo?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
I think it has become abundantly clear to one and all that the UK contingent supposedly representing the British people in what is euphemistically referred to as 'Brexit' discussions, had no plan at the outset, have no plan now and if they continue attending these 'discussions' they will simply embarrass the nation further.

What kind of policy is it that demands all the benefits of EU membership but without free movement, without regard to the ECJ, without respect for EU & British citizens rights outside of their own country and demanding to have all those things for free?

Really, what is the point? We reached an impasse after the first round of discussions and no progress has been made since. In simple terms, the British case appears to be the equivalent of, 'We really don't like our neighbours so we're going to burn our house down - that'll show them!'

If the British side has nothing further to add to the mess in Brussels, they should be called back and we should simply say goodbye and prove how clever we are via the hardest of 'Brexits'. In one regard, it will be heartening to see Farage and all the other MEPs redundant and without a salary and expenses ordinary people can only dream of.

Th notion from May about an extended transitional period is ludicrous in the extreme as the government knew exactly what the rules were before they decided to invoke the Article 50 provisions, the date of which was something that was within their gift to determine. To then send a collection of intellectually bankrupt dunderheads to 'negotiate' god knows what is insulting to the other 27 sovereign nation states, as well as an embarrassment to the good people of the UK.

The government's huge propaganda wing may attempt to spin every aspect of this tragedy to make the public believe that the EU are the bad guys in what has now deteriorated into something akin to a Pythonesque comedy sketch but even the thickest of the 'Brexidiots' will see through that.....and still go along with it!

The less than 'Independent' news purveyor reports in this way today:


I bet Mrs May goes to bed every night and dreams that she will wake up to find the Argentinians have invaded the Falklands again.......mind you, she isn't as lucky as Thatcher was in that regard; we don't have the logistics any more to mount a similar defence of people claiming to be British while having no intention of ever living in this country or contributing to it in any way.

She really is a 'dead man walking' and I'm sure we will discover who her executioner will be in the very near future. Some say that Alec Douglas-Home was the worst PM in our history; others say it was Anthony Eden. For me, that ignominious accolade belongs with the current incumbent who makes both David Cameron and Tony Blair look like intelligent professionals and I don't expect to receive much criticism for that remark.

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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
I sincerely hope that you put them right and told them in no uncertain terms that they are very welcome to travel here, to live, to settle and to build life time careers. If not, why not?

To apologise to the students is to foster a lie and you are being most dishonest in doing so. You know very well that it has always been the case that people who posses skills which the UK needs will always be welcome, whatever their nationality or country of origin. It has always been made very clear that BREXIT was not about changing that. The notion that post BREXIT the UK is going to expel or reject people such as those medical students is a lie put about by the Remain camp and it is a lie nurtured by people such as yourself making foolish apologies instead of telling the truth. You can probably point to random idiot members of the public who would support such a ban, but in the same way, I can identify random Remainers who harbour equally idiotic views.

What you have done with those medical students is to lie to them by an act of omission. You omitted to tell the truth that I have outlined in the above paragraph. Unacceptable KudosDave and you surprise me.[/QUOTE

I didn't put the perception in their mind that they are no longer welcome in the UK.
Our government have pretty much sent that message out to all of Europe.
I and my wife apologised for the Xenophobic attitudes of many UK , but explained that many in the U.K. feel that even post Brexit we are very much Europeans,including ourselves.
The Greeks are lovely and friendly people it's just a shame that they now think the UK is not a country that welcomes them.
I understand that post Brexit we may be offered a European passport I will be first in line to apply for one.
To be honest I no longer care a **** about the post Brexit economy,but I do care how the Brits are perceived in Europe.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Looks like my post got lost.
Nope Tillson I totally understood that our government had sent out the signals that these bright people were no longer welcome in the UK and that they should seek employment within the EU.
If I was in their position I would think the same.
I no longer care what happens to the UK economy but I do care that I am perceived as personally a European friendly person,my wife feels similarly.
If a European passport is available I will be the first in line to apply for one.
The British fascist Tory party have bought this mess on our country.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
. Some say that Alec Douglas-Home was the worst PM in our history; others say it was Anthony Eden. For me, that ignominious accolade belongs with the current incumbent who makes both David Cameron and Tony Blair look like intelligent professionals and I don't expect to receive much criticism for that remark.

No argument from me.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Me neither but where is the alternative ?
That's the problem, there isn't one. There are no leaders within the HoC. As far as I can see, none would put the best interests of the country ahead of themselves or lead the country by example. They all seem to be script driven & highly choreographed fakes.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
That's the problem, there isn't one. There are no leaders within the HoC. As far as I can see, none would put the best interests of the country ahead of themselves or lead the country by example. They all seem to be script driven & highly choreographed fakes.
Absolutely correct tillson.
