No it simply will not, it is just a fudge, and does nothing to address the fact that like an old run down pub, this country cannot survive on it's own, it is too small, under invested, behind the times technology wise, the infrastructure is derelict, brought low by Rabid Bankers and Investers.
There is no hope of progress when we have archaic Government structures run as an old boys club by a motley band of imps, pimps and Banjo players posing as friends of the Public, and the Managerial Classes are not capable of doing anything other than walk away with grossly over generous salaries in return for failure.
No effort is ever made to do anything other than toincrease the wealth gap between the still prevalent classes and it is falling back into being a right wing autocracy like a relic of the Middle Ages, it has no viable future outside of a bigger grouping, as sooner or later the Public will realise they have been had and all hell will be let loose.
Plain Sailing into an iceberg is the reality of out situation
I particularly like this post of yours OG. Your descriptions are priceless and stunningly accurate while your closing summary, based on actual truths rather than the fantasies from the 'Woosh' chappie really does illustrate the here and now of the 'Brexit' movement.
With regard to 'EFTA', there is this question: Why would any European state choose to leave the 'Premier League' and ply its trade in the second tier? If the best economic brains across Europe thought the idea was really good, why haven't the Germans, French and indeed any of the 27 other
sovereign nation states been clamouring to take that step?
'Brexit' is no more than a wet dream for the racists and fascists in the UK without any factual evidence to give credence to the project. The secession proponents have, shall we call it, a couple of years now,
to provide some certainty that the UK will be the better for exiting one of the great trading blocs in this 21st century.
'No such undertaking has been received' from the 'Brexit' High Command, to paraphrase (badly) Neville Chamberlain's address to the nation 78 years ago this month, so we now face the prospect, not of defeat by military force, but by economic and political suicide.
Aldi and Lidl trade all over Europe and have carved out for themselves a huge chunk of the UK supermarket business. I read in the British media that Aldi has produced trading figures which reveal a huge increase in turnover while profits are actually down.
For some strange reason, certain prices are easy to remember and one of the products I always have a few of in my pantry in England and in Spain, is flavoured noodles. Hardly a superfood, I know, but a pleasant, quick snack on occasions. Shortly after the referendum when the £ sank against the €, the price of a packet of noodles in England rose from 18p to 20p. Since then it has further risen in two steps to now stand at 24p. One doesn't need a degree in maths to work out that 24p represents a 33.3% price hike in just a few months.
I use those figures simply because they are easy to remember and I happened to notice when the price changed. As the 'Brexit' effects really do start to take hold over the next couple of years, those kinds of price increases will be seen in a huge variety of imported products and that is before any additional tariffs are imposed. At some point, even the most ardent racists are going to question the veracity of the outpourings from the shysters pretending to be our greatest ambassadors and statesmen.
It isn't as if there is any good news on the horizon to temper the wallet-draining price increases which are now inevitable as there isn't any good news. Re-gurgitating the same old claptrap about using the money saved from our our EU subs to improve the NHS is all the evidence anyone should need to realise that the tory government has absolutely nothing new to offer the electorate.
Of course, if you are into fantasies, you might wish to pin your hopes on EFTA membership but that is only if you are a desperate fantasist whose grip on reality has been lost somewhere in between the various speeches and pronouncements from pontificating liars, known and proven liars.
If I were in a position to give advice to young people, it would be to carve out a new life outside of the UK as the future prospects for the young in the UK have become increasingly dismal in recent months.