Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
they (the owners of our newspapers) only want low taxes.
The entire tory's propaganda is based on 'waste'. They claim there is so much waste in public services that if you vote for them, you'll get better service for less tax.
If Mr Corbyn wants to win, he has to use the same tactic. Labour will not raise your taxes! Obviously, it's not possible but a short term increase in borrowing will get Labour elected. That's worth a little lie.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
The entire tory's propaganda is based on 'waste'.
Other Tory misinformation aside, they are right about this one aspect. There is a massive amount of waste within the public services sector. Having worked in the public sector for a brief period, I was shocked and angered by the level of financial and managerial incompetence. The senior managers cling to their disgusting levels of pay by adopting a strategy of attempting to bully and discredit anyone who gives them honest and evidence based feedback reading their performance. They seem to operate within an insular bubble, surrounded by like minded individuals, who reassure and compliment each other regarding their fitness to do the job. I can assure you from personal experience that they don't like it when someone sticks a big fat spike in that bubble.

I'm all for public services and I hate to see the private sector eating into the NHS, but something needs to be done about many of the imbeciles who are responsible for running much of it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Other Tory misinformation aside, they are right about this one aspect. There is a massive amount of waste within the public services sector. Having worked in the public sector for a brief period, I was shocked and angered by the level of financial and managerial incompetence. The senior managers cling to their disgusting levels of pay by adopting a strategy of attempting to bully and discredit anyone who gives them honest and evidence based feedback reading their performance. They seem to operate within an insular bubble, surrounded by like minded individuals, who reassure and compliment each other regarding their fitness to do the job. I can assure you from personal experience that they don't like it when someone sticks a big fat spike in that bubble.

I'm all for public services and I hate to see the private sector eating into the NHS, but something needs to be done about many of the imbeciles who are responsible for running much of it.
I would point out that the very people responsible for the waste are the managerial classes, and hardly socialists are they?
We need to understand who the people who are damaging society really are and not allow ourselves to fall into blaiming socialism for the excesses of true blue capitalist who are actually milking the organisations intended to beneft the people not only for the purpose of self enrichment, but to bring the very notion of a Welfare state into disrepute

tillson my friend in this statement you are sadly being too kind

" I was shocked and angered by the level of financial and managerial incompetence."

Not incompetence at all, actually greed and the imperative to do positive harm, by damaging policies and doubtful book keeping, by the very people who make out that the notion of a caring society is

We only differ in this, you have a less suspicious nature than I and assume these people do not have an evil intent.
I see them for what they really are.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Its good to see that one UKIP candidate has an "original" take on everything

Allen, 84, who is a Glasgow Ukip candidate, spoke exclusively to the Sunday Herald yesterday, setting out her views on crime, health, childcare and relationships.

She said: “The main purpose of the law is to protect the public. If I could get the guillotine, lethal injection or firing squad I would gladly have it. I would also castrate violent criminals. You castrate bulls, horses, dogs – it takes the aggression away. Moreover, these violent criminals can’t have any more children themselves. And I am all for the cat o’ nine tails. You like violence? Well let’s see how you like to be on the receiving end.”

The UKIP really, really, deserve a candidate like this, pretty much the last nail in the coffin!
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Mar 30, 2009
Its good to see that one UKIP candidate has an "original" take on everything

Allen, 84, who is a Glasgow Ukip candidate, spoke exclusively to the Sunday Herald yesterday, setting out her views on crime, health, childcare and relationships.

She said: “The main purpose of the law is to protect the public. If I could get the guillotine, lethal injection or firing squad I would gladly have it. I would also castrate violent criminals. You castrate bulls, horses, dogs – it takes the aggression away. Moreover, these violent criminals can’t have any more children themselves. And I am all for the cat o’ nine tails. You like violence? Well let’s see how you like to be on the receiving end.”

The UKIP really, really, deserve a candidate like this, pretty much the last nail in the coffin!
Thought it was the Clydebank post. Feels like a **** take though. Sceptometer at 5. Requires further investigation.

Sent from my Lenovo YT3-850F using Tapatalk
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
You castrate bulls, horses, dogs – it takes the aggression away. Moreover, these violent criminals can’t have any more children themselves.
Just a thought, what do you do to the violent females? More are popping up it seems.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Its good to see that one UKIP candidate has an "original" take on everything

Allen, 84, who is a Glasgow Ukip candidate, spoke exclusively to the Sunday Herald yesterday, setting out her views on crime, health, childcare and relationships.

She said: “The main purpose of the law is to protect the public. If I could get the guillotine, lethal injection or firing squad I would gladly have it. I would also castrate violent criminals. You castrate bulls, horses, dogs – it takes the aggression away. Moreover, these violent criminals can’t have any more children themselves. And I am all for the cat o’ nine tails. You like violence? Well let’s see how you like to be on the receiving end.”

The UKIP really, really, deserve a candidate like this, pretty much the last nail in the coffin!
That's quite funny.

I once read a report that a UKIP candidate suggested issuing Police Community Support Officers with knives (PCSOs trained in knife fighting), as opposed to firearms like their police officer colleagues.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Express
Boris Johnson 'will be MAIN face of Tory General Election campaign in bid to woo voters’
THERESA May will make Boris Johnson one of the main faces in the Conservative’s campaign in the lead up to the General Election, it has been been reported."


Well that was good news for a change!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
He did a good job on Brexit.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2013
North Staffs
Too good, but so many lies will come back to haunt him with luck, and he does open up the opportunity for the opposition to remind voters about that!
Let's hope so, but are they so convinced they'll annihilate the opposition they're doing it with one hand tied behind their back?


Esteemed Pedelecer
This election campaign seems to causing some little ripples within Westminster to become rather large issues among the public at large. May called an election, I think, to consolidate her position and to allow the tories to do pretty well whatever they please in the forthcoming negotiations over 'Brexit'. Already, that looks to have backfired somewhat and although there's still a long way to go, the current support for the tory party seems to have plummeted.

The government not so long ago appeared to have an unassailable lead over the opposition in every measure of public confidence described by the media - spurious polls in newspapers used as propaganda, undoubtedly.

Suddenly, May comes out with another meaningless platitude in the 'Brexit means Brexit' mould - this time it is, 'Strong and stable government' - classic stuff! Meanwhile, two of her closest advisers have decided to exit the tory machine and now we hear that Hammond's closest special adviser has also walked.


Back in post #14855, I suggested that all may not be well within the parliamentary Conservative Party and as the days have gone by, it is becoming clearer that there is some internal wrangling going on - the leadership would prefer, I'm certain, not to have members of the inner circle exit their posts at this time, regardless of the exciting opportunities they claim to be seeking outside of politics. This is all very strange.

It really doesn't matter what Mrs May says publicly, the tory faithful and her handpicked cabinet will applaud her all day long. The public, however, remains unimpressed with her leadership of the country and her failure to ensure 'Brexit' appears, in some way, desirable to the almost half the nation who rejected the notion in the referendum - there is a suggestion that some 'leave' voters have since altered their view as a result of some of the information brought to light since last June, which may be the reason she so desperately wants a fresh mandate.

In addition, Mrs May has a style which seems not to appeal to large numbers of the electorate and she seems very poor at thinking on her feet and varying from prepared script as witnessed at the dispatch box and in interviews. She is probably the most 'wooden' PM in recent times and does not inspire confidence.


I expect the tories to firm up and close ranks soon with the whips being used heavily to ensure party loyalty and solidarity in the run-up to polling day but meanwhile, there is plenty of humour abroad with cartoonists and 'Photoshop' exponents coming out with some great material on social media. I like this simple one I saw today for example:


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Esteemed Pedelecer
Craig Murray, former Ambassador to Uzbekistan which, for those not up on their geography, is a little to the east of Lutonstan and Watfordstan:).....about 3,000 miles or so actually, has given forth with his views on Jeremy Corbyn.

Given the utterances from the current Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, one could be forgiven for thinking that Corbyn is somehow a danger to UK security. I actually think he has slandered Corbyn disgracefully over the issue of nuclear weapons but Murray's opinion of Corbyn makes much more sense to me than anything ever to have come out of the mouth of Fallon. Here is the link:


I share Murray's view on the invalidity of nuclear armaments as a deterrent and I also agree with his comments on Fallon in his recent tweet:



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