Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Congratulations of the shortest evasive denial response of the day.
Perhaps a visit to specsavers might help you see?
But then no doubt it wouldn't
Never mind tillson , never mind, press on rewardless but do try to decide which way you are going
To Brexit or not to Brexit.
Are you suffering symptoms of withdrawal
or withdrawal of symptoms?
That is the question.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Congratulations of the shortest evasive denial response of the day.
Perhaps a visit to specsavers might help you see?
But then no doubt it wouldn't
Never mind tillson , never mind, press on rewardless but do try to decide which way you are going
To Brexit or not to Brexit.
Are you suffering symptoms of withdrawal
or withdrawal of symptoms?
That is the question.
I'll state now that given certain circumstances and conditions of membership, I would be happy for the UK to remain in the EU. If the terms offered by the EU are not attractive (a Camoron type deal), and they currently are not attractive, then I am in favour of leaving.

You seem to be a binary type character OG. On or Off, In or Out, all or nothing, defeat or victory. You appear to have no concept of give and take. I may be wrong about the last bit, but that is how it appears to he.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013
Jim,often worried that something suggested in jest is taken up by others as a serious proposal,hehe.
Er the forth Clyde canal already exists. It's a bit run down in places and narrow. ;)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
.... But by then it is too late..... Whether the British people empower their government to reject and or re negotiate is irrelevant, the horse has bolted , or whatever equivalent phase you want. Why is that simple truth not evident?
Whether the EU opts to engage in further negotiations after their offers are rejected is solely within their control.
I think you grasped my point 'Danidl' but even with my use of capitalisation and underscoring, the simpletons including Mr Pomposity, still cannot see how we are being driven towards the cliff edge, not on the basis of parliamentary debate and a conclusive vote, but by propaganda which force-feeds the notion of fait-accompli upon the nation as if there is and never was any alternative.

Of course, it could be that there is a different definition for the word, 'final' with which I am unfamiliar.:confused:

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Jan 21, 2017
As i said earlier in the thread there is a lot of uk companies renting office space in dublin gearing up for a move once this article 50 is activated

Currently the company i work for is tendering twice as much as normal .personally its not a good thing for me as im now twice as busy.

I dont know what the feeling is in the uk regarding remainers / brexiters other than what im reading here.

I suspect its more like
20% remain
80% brexit -- Now that you have kind of accepted your faith
But I think you lot were absolutely mad to vote to leave the eu as does the rest of the world (with the exception of tronald dump )
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Apprentice, I think not many have changed side but we understand better where the other side come from and no, I don't think either side is mad.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
As i said earlier in the thread there is a lot of uk companies renting office space in dublin gearing up for a move once this article 50 is activated

Currently the company i work for is tendering twice as much as normal .personally its not a good thing for me as im now twice as busy.

I dont know what the feeling is in the uk regarding remainers / brexiters other than what im reading here.

I suspect its more like
20% remain
80% brexit -- Now that you have kind of accepted your faith
But I think you lot were absolutely mad to vote to leave the eu as does the rest of the world (with the exception of tronald dump )
We agree on this also. What I find bizzare is that the Labour party whome would might have expected to be an opposition aren't.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Apprentice, I think not many have changed side but we understand better where the other side come from and no, I don't think either side is mad.
I don't think that he meant clinically insane , we use the term mad more loosely. Perhaps the term "brave " might be more appropriate, in the same context as department secretary used it in the 1980 satire Yes Minister........ Highly unwise.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I'll state now that given certain circumstances and conditions of membership, I would be happy for the UK to remain in the EU. If the terms offered by the EU are not attractive (a Camoron type deal), and they currently are not attractive, then I am in favour of leaving.

You seem to be a binary type character OG. On or Off, In or Out, all or nothing, defeat or victory. You appear to have no concept of give and take. I may be wrong about the last bit, but that is how it appears to he.
Binary? Perhaps, but capable of making a logical decision, and knowing the difference between a gamble and a safe choice.
Why should I accept anything less than the obviously correct path,?
I leave that to those among us unable or unwilling to stick to their principles.

Clearly yours are elastic to the point that if this Brexit turns out badly you will forget your early enthusiasm for it, as evidenced by the "Climb Down" you have made.

How different from the consistency of my position on the subject.
Now, no matter what decision is reached, you have positioned your self to say
"That was what I really wanted all along"
Because you can't accept you made a wrong decision, can you?

Sent from my XT1032 using Tapatalk
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Roughly 35%population voted to leave uk and 77% of MPs voted to invoke art 50.

What does this tell is.

1) There are well over double the amount of racist, xenophobic ,uninformed bigots in house of commons than in population at large.

2)All the protesting,;standing on soap boxes;writing on toilet walls or to MPs;insulting:harassing ;starting threads or spitting dummies out has made any difference whatsoever for the MP,s to vote this way.

And all on an advisory opinion poll...

At least the dissenting remainers have a new target. They can and should blame their own MP's, who have voted to keep their cushy numbers rather than vote with an informed opinion or reflect their constituent's views.

The government are taking us out.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The journey has begun and I am surprised by the lack of dissenters.
Actually it rather proves my point that they are all members of the same club and put themselves first second and last.
It's a cushy number being an MP, something that they dare not risk for a principle
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Roughly 35%population voted to leave uk and 77% of MPs voted to invoke art 50.

What does this tell is.

1) There are well over double the amount of racist, xenophobic ,uninformed,bigots in house of commons than in population at large.

2)All the protesting,;standing on soap boxes;writing on toilet walls or to MPs;insulting:harassing ;starting threads has made no difference whatsoever for the MP,s to vote this way.

And all on an advisory opinion poll...

At least the dissenting remainers have a new target. They can and should blame their own MP's, who have all voted to keep their cushy numbers rather than vote with an informed opinion.

If we have a democracy why didn't the Art 50 result reflect the countries vote ?
You conveniently forget that The MP's voted to allow the referendum under the following proviso
When they voted they knew it was advisory only as a guide to public opinion and they were not required to even be guided by it, as it is Advisory only.

The other thing that you conveniently forget concerns this

"2)All the protesting,;standing on soap boxes;writing on toilet walls or to MPs;insulting:harassing ;starting threads has made no difference whatsoever for the MP,s to vote this way."

Ten times as many articles have appeared in the press crowing over the marginal victory for Brexit
As articles pointing out the drawbacks of leaving
"Work in progress only as Farage claimed if the vote had gone the other way by the same margin"

And no chance has been given in the Media for the EU to present it's case, only articles attacking them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Let me make a prediction here.

The EU will temporarily offer protection to the London Finance Sector to avoid difficulties to themselves.

This will be presented as a Victory for Brexit ! after a hard struggle"

The EU will then bit by bit transfer the business into it's territory, taking all the time it feels it needs to do so.

London will be like Hong Kong is to China for a while, then go the same way it will, in all probability quite quickly.

It will have to obey all EU laws and rules including any new ones.
What has become of "Taking back control" then?

Effectively London will remain in the EU and the rest of us be out of it.
Brexit, but not as we Know it , Jim.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
From the Telegraph
Brexit vote: Boris Johnson says 'history has been made' after MPs pass Bill to trigger Article 50 by 498 votes to 114

As expected; now the fun begins!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Government abandons exports target ahead of post-Brexit trade talks
International Trade Secretary Liam Fox blamed the move on slowing global transactions rather than Brexit
Liam Fox has abandoned a long-standing Government target to double UK exports to £1 trillion by 2020, even as he launches post-Brexit trade talks

The International Trade Secretary said he no longer believed the ambition was achievable, blaming a slowdown in global trade – rather than the challenges of EU withdrawal.

“I think it’s unlikely to be achievable by 2020. I think it’s an achievable target in the years thereafter,” Dr Fox told a parliamentary inquiry."

Bit by bit the Brexit bubble is bursting; how are we going to become the nation promised when this is happening?
So now World trade is to Blame, not the EU?, not Brexit?
Very Funny!
He'll be blaming Aliens for Mars next!


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Very True!
You can change your name now OG.
Oldgloater is much more appropriate.

and your point ?

MPs voted to keep their coveted places and all it brings in for them. Do you think they voted taking into account the socio-economic considerations or the democratic ones? Because they did neither. They voted to keep their incomes. They sold out.

If I were a remainer I,d be in a rage...but its all quiet. Well apart from OG...sitting on his fence gloating.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Roughly 35%population voted to leave uk and 77% of MPs voted to invoke art 50.

What does this tell is

Is that whilst 30% of the population abstained from voting all the MPs did what they are paid to do and committed themselves.
Abstaining suggests it was something more than just can't be bothered or don't care..
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