Brexit, for once some facts.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
The murder of Jo Cox was carried out by a racist scum bag with perverted political views.

Her family, in particular her husband, has acted with great dignity and has demonstrated enviable courage. I think you would be well advised to follow his fine example and to refrain from any further attempts at making political capital from this tragic event.
The concern is how many Thomas Mair are at the extremes of far right organisations. Theresa May tried to give legitamancy to the extreme right as well as the left,to undermine UKIP and Labour. But she and especially Hammond seem content to revert to pure Tory.
As the Leave vote becomes less populous,Labour and 'rebel' Tories will feel less need to accommodate the Brexit vote within their constituencies and normal battle lines will develop,UKIP is already a spent force.
Hammond and May are the future of the Tory party,timing is everything for them,I wonder whether Hammond was intentionally doom and gloom to hasten the point at which Leavers change their mind or become disinterested. They need a catalyst to dump Brexit and the chance for May to dump the Brexiter MP's,especially the 3 Brexiteers.
I have a friend who works inside the foreign office,there has been no discernible increase in manpower or work readying for Article 50. You would think the press would be full of the expansion of Fox's or Davis's departments but nothing is revealed. There is no work going on to push Brexit forward because Hammond and May have no intention of triggering Article 50.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
The concern is how many Thomas Mair are at the extremes of far right organisations.

UKIP is already a spent force.
You should broaden your concern to encompass other areas in addition to the far right. There are murderous nutcases in all walks of our society.

I think that UKIP is a growing force. At the moment, whilst BREXIT is waiting to happen / not happen and whilst a new leader is being chosen, it's a difficult time for them. However, I am confident that Mrs May will provide UKIP with plenty of fuel and plenty of voters in due course.

The growing discontent in other major EU countries is being nicely aggravated by the EU leaders, ensuring that discontent will become contagious. The house of cards will then collapse. Have a Ferrero Rocher whilst contemplating this information. :)


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
You should broaden your concern to encompass other areas in addition to the far right. There are murderous nutcases in all walks of our society.

I think that UKIP is a growing force. At the moment, whilst BREXIT is waiting to happen / not happen and whilst a new leader is being chosen, it's a difficult time for them. However, I am confident that Mrs May will provide UKIP with plenty of fuel and plenty of voters in due course.

The growing discontent in other major EU countries is being nicely aggravated by the EU leaders, ensuring that discontent will become contagious. The house of cards will then collapse. Have a Ferrero Rocher whilst contemplating this information. :)
Strange that the latest information shows the opposite effect and that the EU is more popular than ever among the member states and has come together rather than fall apart as you seem to hope, though why such a Failure would be of benefit to anyone eludes me completely.
By the bye Ferrero Roche are appropriate to the likes of Farage, a flashy wrapper on a second rate and tasteless imitation chocolate rather tasteless wafer and ersatz cream filling.
Promises much and disappointing, it ought to be renamed the Brexit.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013
"But all of this is not nearly as funny as the remain supporters imagining that they occupy a kind of intellectually superior or culturally superior territory."

No 'imagining' needed... Have you ever booked your holiday next year to Clacton-on-Sea, UKIP's only stronghold to mingle with your intellectual and cutural peers.

The higher the level of education, the higher the EU support
According to the polls, university graduates were the most likely people to want to remain in the EU - while those with a GCSE or equivalent as their highest qualification were more likely to back Brexit.

This was a pattern that was reflected in the results - with the Brexit vote correlating with areas with high shares of people with no education.

I don't see any massive sloppy lines here. It's close to random init.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Strange that the latest information shows the opposite effect and that the EU is more popular than ever among the member states and has come together rather than fall apart as you seem to hope, though why such a Failure would be of benefit to anyone eludes me completely.
By the bye Ferrero Roche are appropriate to the likes of Farage, a flashy wrapper on a second rate and tasteless imitation chocolate rather tasteless wafer and ersatz cream filling.
Promises much and disappointing, it ought to be renamed the Brexit.
If we were to undertake an analysis of the content of EU leaders undercrackers, I think lots of poo would be found. "The latest information" indicating that the EU is becoming more popular is highly likely to be flawed. I think it's more likely to be information put out in an act of desperation.

The EU leaders are doing a first class job of ensuring its ultimate failure. They just need to keep a steady hand on the tiller and hold the current heading.

I like the Ferrero Rocher analogy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
If we were to undertake an analysis of the content of EU leaders undercrackers, I think lots of poo would be found. "The latest information" indicating that the EU is becoming more popular is highly likely to be flawed. I think it's more likely to be information put out in an act of desperation.

The EU leaders are doing a first class job of ensuring its ultimate failure. They just need to keep a steady hand on the tiller and hold the current heading.

I like the Ferrero Rocher analogy.
And I rather like the inventive "undercrackers" permission to share?

And surely information put out in desperation is the Forte of the Daily Express?
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
UKIP was a one trick pony,without Farage UKIP is nothing and Farage is bored with UKIP,probably bored with Brexit,his future he feels lies elsewhere.
Hammond and May could be crafting a wonderful con known as Brexit,if it is going to plan then one must have admiration in the planning,if it is evolving then one must have admiration for the ingenuity.
The biggest challenge is when to U turn without appearing to U turn,I have a feeling that Boris can be relied upon to put his boot in at the wrong moment,wrong moment for Boris,right moment for Hammond and May.
If they pull it off,they will have made mugs of us all.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
You should broaden your concern to encompass other areas in addition to the far right. There are murderous nutcases in all walks of our society.

I think that UKIP is a growing force. At the moment, whilst BREXIT is waiting to happen / not happen and whilst a new leader is being chosen, it's a difficult time for them. However, I am confident that Mrs May will provide UKIP with plenty of fuel and plenty of voters in due course.

The growing discontent in other major EU countries is being nicely aggravated by the EU leaders, ensuring that discontent will become contagious. The house of cards will then collapse. Have a Ferrero Rocher whilst contemplating this information. :)
Do you dream of all that when you are asleep or when you are awake?

Forget Marine Le Pen she is worth an honorable 20% of voters at the most, France is a different country from the UK.

Did you hear an "Ouf!" yesterday? It was the PP in Spain breathing out when a prominent member died before sitting down in front of a judge in a corruption hearing. She could have taken down Spain's minority government. By the way what is that prescription drug which when taken in large doses give all the symptoms of a heart attack?...
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013
My asthma drugs increase the heart rate, flushed and sweaty and muscle tremors, not nice.
Insulin is also effective with weakness pallor, confusion and death too. Either of these do?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
The problem is that 1% of them have that, in cash, and they wouldn't even feel the pain... o_O
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 30, 2013


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 23, 2015
Government racks up near £500,000 bill fighting ‘bedroom tax’ cases

Universal Credit pilot council calls for ‘urgent’ suspension of roll-out

posts from facebook..

u.c is unbelievable bn on it 2month 1st payment after 7 wks £137 2nd payment £141. how on earth do a get by another month with £25 a wk earnings am at me wits end with everything little food sittin in th cold its a nitemare

Yet again no payment today been told it could take upto midnight what a **** take

I applied for a budgeting loan last month but was denied as we still owe 4p!! We applied again at the start of this month on the 8th and I rang up yesterday to chase it up. I was told they received it on the 15th. I then asked when should we expect to have the money by as it’s needed ASAP. She said I’ll receive a letter back by the 6th Dec that I have to sign and send off, which means if I post it out straight away I should have money by the 30th December! Surely it shouldn’t take from the 8th November to 30th December?

Does anyone know how to get food from the food bank…? I’ve been unfairly dismissed with -£100 in my bank, two payday loan debts and, well… nothing. No food. No gas. No money. Last couple of pound on electric and ran out of my.antidepressants. you can imagine how I’m feeling right now, oh. And a loan taken out last month from universal credit and they want £30 a month and I havent been pay the first lot, or the next lot. I only get £250 off UC so they’ll take £60…. they’re still “investigating” on giving me.housing benefit. Feel like I’m being stabbed at every angle

hy cnt get into my activity log its kps sayen locked out for past 2days nd to phone help desk problem is a avnt got any credit wot do a do now panackin in case get a sanction

I went through the nightmare UC experience a couple of years ago as I am in one of the first areas that it was rolled out. I was working part time and was informed at the JC that I would be much better off with this benefit, well, what a shock I was in for! Constantly called for meetings at the Jobcentre, made to jump through hoops and virtually beg on top of being sent on different courses and then on to Bootstrap (another arm of the JC). Just about managed to keep my job of 12 years squeezed in between all this. I managed to get a full time job in June this year and breathed a sigh of relief that the nightmare was over……soon found out it wasn’t! Since starting my new job I received a letter from the Town Hall telling me Universal Credit had informed them that I had moved house (therefore cocking up the little bit of Council Tax benefit I received) and last week, a lady from the housing association came knocking and looking through the window. Again, she told me that UC had informed them that I’d moved out, despite the fact that I was still paying my rent. I’ve lived here for over twenty years. Why don’t they just sod off and leave me alone, I’m not claiming anything anymore ( I earn slightly over the limit for UC). It really annoys me how this system is still messing about in my life. Rant over

This is my story just two weeks in
Dear Sir
I do not know how many if any have complained over this new benefit but I would like to share my situation to shed some light on this,
First I live Preston I have worked as an estate agent for a while I have a young daughter I have always claimed tax credit for childcare and it helped towards my rent and my wages are used for food bills travel and clothing etc this has always been the case I always had enough to get by each month some months even had fifty pound spare which for a single working parent in October this year my job ended I assumed being an educated woman who has always worked it would be easy to find employment ridiculous I now know ! I told my landlord who trusted I would get work due to my conduct throughout.
I went to the job center who advised whilst I was job searching I went onto Universal Credit I did not understand much on benefits so I trusted there judgement in previous years when I changed jobs Tax Credits always gave you a four week run on as childcare still needs to be paid as nursery’s and childminders keep the place available so it has to be paid this was always understood by tax credits and they always honored this.
I assumed this universal credit was the same, so at the end of October when I was put on this joke of a benefit I waited for my tax credit to pay rent, I got a text off Barclays your payment as been declined after looking I had no money!
I rang tax credit who told me the minute you go onto Universal Credit your claim stops!!! I was in shock I had nearly 600 pound rent to pay, council tax and childcare almost one thousand pound..
I was then told I would be paid on the 17th of December what would I tell my landlady the childcare provider and hang on i have Gas and electric meters and a child, I actually felt suicidal and went into shock I had 1 pound 64p in the bank and had just been told no money would come till the 17th of December what about food bills heating electric my daughter, bus fares it has been a nightmare.
I have had to get loans off Wonga which I now owe and I borrowed a large amount pm off family to live how can anyone in the world think you can go 7 weeks without money when you have a child.
I am now in over two thousand pounds of debt because of this Also being told I have to do thirty hours job searching and time and date every day when I had no electric for two days was a joke.
I have applied for over 187 jobs posting cv begging for jobs and only because of loans and my family I am ok and have heating and food etc
My complete shock is others the people who do not have family or access to loans how can anyone wait seven weeks?
They say you can ask for an advance yes I got this one hundred and fifty pound advance !!!!!my gas is thirty pound and electric the same key thirty which only last a week as pre payment with the rest I have to get a bus pass for both me and my daughter and food what’s left for the next six weeks
universal credit is a form of ethnic cleansing harsh yes but I feel it’s true because without my family and help I would of committed suicide this benefit sifts out those who can get help and those who can’t because if you can’t what do you do ?????get in debt .get depressed .even worse !which I am sure people will do over the winter months with no money.!
I am not angry at you , I just plead with you to understand how evil this benefit is, Tax credit was a wonderful help to working parents who were allowed to work 16 hours and with children this is enough! but Mr smith seems to think we have to work a minimum of thirty and do school runs and look after children with sleepless nights, is he trying to kill mothers! I am outraged at this and feel something needs to be done before lives are well will be lost .
Bring Back tax Credit as I see this benefit is destroying lives !


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
My asthma drugs increase the heart rate, flushed and sweaty and muscle tremors, not nice.
Insulin is also effective with weakness pallor, confusion and death too. Either of these do?
A doctor told me (in NZ tilson, stay calm) after a horrible asthma attack provoked by a massive pollen incident (similar to the recent Australia one) after I came out of the coma:

"Don't ever worry about your heart lad, with the dose of amphetamines I put in your arm, if it was weak, we wouldn't be having this conversation...".


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Do you dream of all that when you are asleep or when you are awake?

Forget Marine Le Pen she is worth an honorable 20% of voters at the most, France is a different country from the UK.

Did you hear an "Ouf!" yesterday? It was the PP in Spain breathing out when a prominent member died before sitting down in front of a judge in a corruption hearing. She could have taken down Spain's minority government. By the way what is that prescription drug which when taken in large doses give all the symptoms of a heart attack?...


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
