Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
We need another Oliver Cromwell.

It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!
We in Ireland do not share the same regard for that creature, just saying


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
On facebook just spotted a racist outfit called "News Chicken" posting a video puporting to be a muslim gang beating up an American tourist drinking alcohol on the street
Media Bias /Fact check rated News Chicken rated as follows

Questionable source

bias Extreme right, Fake News

"Notes: News Chicken does not have an “about” page or “disclaimer” so it not possible to know the owners intent. Most articles contains videos that portray Muslims and immigrants in a negative light. News Chicken has a strong right wing bias in reporting through story choices and loaded words. According to Real or Satire this source is listed as Satire. In reviewing this site we found real news posted, but with an extreme bias. Some stories do appear to be fake or originate from satire websites, but because there isn’t a statement indicating this website is satire we are classifying it as Questionable, based on extreme right wing bias and negative portrayal of immigrants."

The question is, who is funding the rise of these disreputable organs of racial hatred?
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
The question is, who is funding the rise of these disreputable organs of racial hatred?
could it be part of the 'dark web'? the job of these sites is to shield the identity of the posters and the material is then used to spread and re-inforce 'confirmation bias' through FB/Twitter sharing.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
3 policy papers on the same day, July 13th.

ECJ: we are leaving
Euratom: we are leaving
Privileges and immunities: we want a transition for orderly withdrawal but nothing to do with staying in the single market or customs union.

It seems the government has not changed its hard brexit stance.

hard brexit is not going to achieve consensus and will lead inevitably to the conservative losing power.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
could it be part of the 'dark web'? the job of these sites is to shield the identity of the posters and the material is then used to spread and re-inforce 'confirmation bias' through FB/Twitter sharing.
I think you've spotted it!
What is frghtening is how naive people are that post blatanly racist responses as these right wing rags hope, without giving a thought that they are exposing themselves to organisations that can gather that data and use it against them in the future.
It is surprising how many advocate openly violence against Muslims, clearly thinking they are free of any guilt or face any consequences in doing so.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
For those of you who are into music, many will know of the band 'Radiohead'. Personally, their music has never reached me in the way of many other rock bands and I certainly wouldn't go out of my way to attend a concert by them.

Sadly, these conceited musicians have decided to follow the lead given by the British government by choosing to show their support for Israel and its treatment of the Palestinian people, declaring their intention to play in Israel.

In doing so, they, not for the first time, make feeble excuses in an effort to justify their decision, perfectly aware that they are involving themselves in a matter of politics they could easily avoid. Why do they do this? To understand that and why they arrogantly ignore the majority of world opinion, one needs to research their history. These individuals are from the same social class as the tory cabinet; that is the same tory party which repeatedly articulates its support for the Zionist government in Israel by publicly assuring them that the British people support Israel.

This is connected with 'Brexit' only in as far as it is the same class of people in Britain who are unwilling to treat ordinary human beings with respect and are hell-bent on dissociating their country from their neighbours out of racism and sheer, bloody-minded arrogance.

Apartheid may have ended in S Africa but it is alive and kicking in many other places around the globe, not least in the UK where the division between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' is being strengthened by the ruling elite. Fascism too didn't just go away following WW2; it is being practised increasingly around the world by the same class of people that has always brought war upon common people, usually under the pretext of giving them democracy or more commonly, just to help build up an industry invariably based on removing valuable resources from the earth.

Radiohead obviously know better than me that their choice to play music in Israel will benefit the Palestinian people....or do they?



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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I have read somewhere that membership of the EU actually cost all who qualify as citizens an extraordinary sum
Eleven pence a Day.
Can I therefore ask for my Eleven Pence a Day back when we leave?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Paul Starling writes for 'The New Statesman' and if I'm not mistaken, he seems to have 'a bit of a downer' on the tory government at the moment, judging by his comments today:

Paul Starling. July 18th, 2017.

BE PREPARED. The Tory ship is holed below the waterline. Its crew fighting like rats. The sharks circling. SO BE READY!

"The simmering divisions in the Tory Party will shortly break out into open warfare". That was my forecast on June 10th. It is now happening. Theresa May is a dead woman walking, Boris Johnson is the big beast stalking, while the poisonous-toad Gove is the one briefing and talking. ("Poisonous-toad"? Just look at his puffy-faced pics ... yuk).

Today, Theresa May will call a crisis Cabinet meeting of her motly, botchly, crew. Don't be fooled as they hold hands outside 10 Downing Street afterwards. There is no honour amongst these thieves. Their thin smiles will betray them. No amount of sticky plaster will repair the hole. The rudderless Tory ship is heading for the rocks, and is doomed. It is now a matter of WHEN, not IF.


Cap'n T. May - leader in name only.

Fighting a desperate final battle to try to save her destroyed reputation. She can't and she won't. She is battered and will be broken. It is just a matter of time. Just as Prince Harry let slip the truth that no-one wants to be king, so I forecast now that deep-down no-one in the Tory Cabinet wants to be Prime Minister. No one, especially not Theresa May. Watching her limping now from crisis to crisis, weighed down by the weight of knives in her back, I genuinely feel sorry for her. History will record how she wrecked the Tory ship of state.

The butcher, botcher, Boris - don't be fooled by his buffoonish boyishness. A smiling, smirking, assassin is far more dangerous than a soft-spoken second-in-command like ....

Phillip Hammond. Being Mr. Swag-bag can be a blessing, or in his case, a curse. The more he says 'no' to provide cash to save his colleagues reputations, the more they will turn on him. The more he shoots them all in the foot by saying things like "public sector workers are overpaid" (this weekend's clanger), the more they will hate him.

'Traffic-lights' Rudd - malfunctioning. Stuck on red, Amber is going nowhere. Mrs. Ruddy-Nasty makes Cap'n-May look like candyfloss on the bad-ship-lollipop.

Michael puff-cheeked-snake Gove. The architect of the mutiny on board. His poisonous briefings and licey leaks have made that hole in the rudderless ship much larger. He will not be forgiven. For, after all, the Tory Party is not only the "nasty party" (as T. May herself admitted) it is, without doubt, the most vicious, merciless, crew ever to board the ship-of-State. Trust me, I have seen them up close and personal as a political editor.
The mutinous, motley, crew - a rag-bag of treacherous toads just like that old-cove Gove. They have managed to achieve the amazing feat of being sharks ON-BOARD a ship, not circling it.


If you think I'm overstating the sorry state of the Tory Party, think again. The seven words above were uttered by former Tory Chancellor Norman Lamont this weekend. He was around and witnessed the brutal sacking, shaming, dumping of Margaret Thatcher.

I repeat, there is no Party in politics more vicious or merciless than the Tory Party which is prepared, at any moment, to sacrifice anyone in order to 'Conserve' its own self-interest.

Theresa May is there under sufferance. She doesn't want to be there. The Tory Party doesn't want her. They are split into feuding factions, and are too exhausted to stomach another election.


The dangerous divisions in the Tory Party make last summer's internal battles in Labour look like a kindergarten cake fight. It was Europe which broke Thatcher. History is repeating itself. The die-hard hard-English-nationalist-blimps still hold immense power in the Tory Party. Phillip Hammond's mistake this weekend was to demand a soft-brexit. You could immediately hear the rustling of the 'national' flag being unfurled in the leafy shires, and lousy country houses of England. When these old toads say 'Brexit means brexit' what they actually mean is "brexit-means-the-hardest-bloody-brexit-possible" and to hell with the consequences. No-one is safe, no-one, as that holed ship drifts towards the rocks.

One of these old dodderers wrote an article this weekend warning that anything other than the hardest of hard Brexits 'will lead to another 100,00 immigrants flooding into Britain every year'. Nobody loves a good caning more than the red-cheeked tories!


Theresa May will be crucified on the cross of Brexit. Every power taken back from the EU will be a power the Welsh and Scottish 'governments' will want for themselves (not the English Parliament). The Welsh nationalists Plaid Cymru, the Scottish nationalists the SNP will vote with Labour to wreck every move, issue, and vote by the Tories.

IT WAS THE 'WINTER OF DISCONTENT' OF 1979 which ushered in the Thatcher years. It will be this 'AUTUMN OF DISCONTENT which will do for this Tory regime.

Months and months of battles over every cough, spit, and fart of Brexit will break this Government. Battle, after battle, after battle in a long war of attrition will so wear down and weary these bloody people that they will be crying out for respite. Theresa May no longer wants the job. The Tories no longer want her. It's just that no one else wants the job either. The jostling for position now amongst other Tory Ministers is not to become the next Prime Minister .... it is to position themselves to be the next-Prime-Minister-but-one!

Beaten, bruised, mauled, Mrs. May will limp away, to the Lords or the political wilderness, her reputation in tatters. The tories exhausted by attrition and split from top to bottom will be hoping, begging for the Labour Party to take over the reins of power and that Labour, too, will be broken by Brexit.

Make no mistake the buffoon, the swag-bag, the puff-adder, the ruddy traffic light, and all those other red-cheeked tories are happy to position themselves for the general election after the next one.

So the message now for Labour and all who want a Labour government is ..... nothing comes without a struggle. BE READY, BE PREPARED ..... TO CREATE AN AUTUMN OF DISCONTENT TO BRING DOWN THE TORIES.

I wonder if he's got a bet on with Wm confident is he really? Perhaps he is party to some inside information...Mmmm!


Esteemed Pedelecer
PwC, apparently the biggest accountancy company in the world - I never knew that! - have produced some figures which suggest 'Brexit' may be costing the country more than anyone has ever though so far.

This is from 'The Independent':


I rather liked the reader comments at the foot of the article and this one rather tickled me:

'You STILL think Brexit is a good idea? what do you need to see to convince you that it is an utter disaster?

Lets see, Our triple A credit rating GONE,

The pound at its lowest level in thirty years CHECK,

Our Banking and financial Services on the move to the EU CHECK,

Our airlines opening bases in the EU CHECK,

Our food prices rising CHECK

Inflation at 2.6 percent CHECK,

Wages stagnant CHECK

350 mil for the NHS in your dreams!

.....and these are the tip of the iceberg wake up Frank time to join the real world.

I don't know who Frank is but he really needs to take stock!:D




Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
I have read somewhere that membership of the EU actually cost all who qualify as citizens an extraordinary sum
Eleven pence a Day.
Can I therefore ask for my Eleven Pence a Day back when we leave?
Would you take a lump sum of £40.15 a year? That would be kind of you because we are up to our necks in paper work at the mo... :D Oh by the way the benefit of being in the EU is still being calculated when we get it worked out we will send you an invoice for that. :rolleyes:

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