Todays summing up on the leadership of the Brexit Faction and other parliamentary matters
The leading lights of the Brexit campaign have adjourned into the Westminster Bar with the Labour Party, (less one) where it is Nigel's round, he is there by special invitation and they don't want to miss the unique opportunity of seeing him actually pay for one.
A spokesperson said on their behalf "Sorry but it's not our fault more people put their cross in the box where they weren't intended too, so we're not doing the "hard S***t"
However a call from someones wife could drastically alter the situation.
120 odd Labour rebels have been having a whip round to buy the Liberal Democrats as a DIY property development or perhaps as a timeshare.
The rival bid from the Brexit leadership however has an ace up it's sleeve in the form Rupert Murdoch which could prove a clincher.
Jeremy Corbyn meanwhile is organising a mass meeting of the PLP in the back seat of a London Taxi.
The leading lights of the Brexit campaign have adjourned into the Westminster Bar with the Labour Party, (less one) where it is Nigel's round, he is there by special invitation and they don't want to miss the unique opportunity of seeing him actually pay for one.
A spokesperson said on their behalf "Sorry but it's not our fault more people put their cross in the box where they weren't intended too, so we're not doing the "hard S***t"
However a call from someones wife could drastically alter the situation.
120 odd Labour rebels have been having a whip round to buy the Liberal Democrats as a DIY property development or perhaps as a timeshare.
The rival bid from the Brexit leadership however has an ace up it's sleeve in the form Rupert Murdoch which could prove a clincher.
Jeremy Corbyn meanwhile is organising a mass meeting of the PLP in the back seat of a London Taxi.