I'm staggered that some people still seem content to accept the promises of a better tomorrow from the clowns responsible for the EU secession negotiations. All of the economic figures we see filtering through, always in the same direction, were predictable, yet we are expected to believe charlatans that there is a bright, new dawn ahead and we will enjoy free trade with countries around the world on favourable terms."The worst performing major economy on earth right now"
but it was scaremongering, project fear that predicted this wasn't it? and remember we've not even left yet... things are not going to get better.
Like whom? EU countries supply us with a huge amount of those things we need, the things we want and the short distance between us provides a fairly small carbon footprint.
As I can't think of any countries closer to the UK which might provide all the things we currently import from the EU, presumably they will come from far off lands. Can you imagine where?
This whole 'Brexit' business is a nonsense and we are where we are today because stupid people believed stupid people and voted for stupid people. There was no plan - even now there is no plan that the government is prepared to divulge to the nation on the ridiculous excuse that it might lend assistance to the other side in negotiations.
How does that accord with the threat to simply walk away with nothing and pay nothing? If that is a negotiating posture, what is the point of even bothering with these talks?
Before we finally secede, the electorate should be availed of a spreadsheet by a cross-party committee with all that we enjoy currently as EU members and the cost of our membership on one side. On the other side, the best deal our negotiators have achieved with the relevant costings. Following that, a final EU referendum should be conducted on the facts as they are then known.
Of course, that is not going to happen!
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