Talk is cheap where human lives are concerned, probability talk does not help when an event that has killed people happens, spend the money, do not go cheap on safety, be it a fridge, a washing machine or a new tower block, spend the money and forget the probability, swallow up some of the increased costs and take less profit, profit is profit, even when it is less.The situation is such that we can't protect everyone against every conceivable danger all of the time. It's a case of providing protection against an event, balanced with the probability of that event occurring.
I read about this all the time. The thing about increasing profits year on year is leading to people losing their jobs and the quality of the product is going down, I just do not see why so many companies cannot accept less profit, there is a quantity over quality attitude at so many companies, the shares must go up, the workers must be axed or wages must be driven down, all because the profit margins are not high enough.
£350m profit is not enough, next year they must make £500m profit, axe branches, get rid of some of the workers, change conditions such as at B&Q and give loyal workers less than they are used to because they want higher profits, point being they should accept a good profit and not always strive for higher and higher at the expense of safety or workers pay, you can have quality workmanship and safety and still make a profit, the trouble in our modern society is companies are greedy, they want bigger profits year after year because the stock market culture demands this of them.