There's a big Spread in the Sun Glorying in the rollout of another of our Nuclear Sub of the Attack type, apart from the usual hyperbole, there is one significant claim, which if it were true would rubbish the notion that the Trident system that relies in Stealth is Viable.
How are we to equate the claim of them being undetectable after not merely collisions with other allied submarines of the same class, but this statement about the detection systems on this latest submarines
More than 39,000 acoustic tiles mask the vessel’s sonar signature, meaning she slips through the seas with less noise than a baby dolphinImage: PA

ress Association
The sonar HMS Audacious is equipped with is so powerful it can detect ships leaving harbour in New York from the English Channel, 3,000 nautical miles away.
As an Engineer it seems to me nonsense to imagine that you can move a vessel displacing 7,400 tons as somewhere around 10 to 20 knots without creating rather more turbulance than a baby dolphin, no matter how good your sound proofing is
Further the notion that the movement of that large a metal object through the Earths magnetic Field cannot be detected by a Satellite capable of detecting such movement is highly improbable.
For that matter a sown field of magnetic anomaly sensors scattered round the sea bed is undoubtedly either already in place, or under development.