Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Is this what the British people rally want? I think not. Why don't politicians learn from the mistakes made previously?


You realise of course that the USA cruise missiles were specifically programmed (and succeeded) in not causing any civilian casualties at all, only soldiers and terrorists as usual.
It must be true or the media would have reported the civilian casualties wouldn't they?
Yeah, sure they would.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
In the Daily Mail
'He's a mutton-headed old mugwump': Election battle turns personal as Boris Johnson slams Corbyn with warning that he could cause security chaos
  • Boris Johnson launched personal attack on Corbyn in first election intervention
  • He said: 'The biggest risk with Jeremy Corbyn is that people just don't get what a threat he really is'
  • He said Brexit Britain must 'lead in an uncertain world' and said the times are 'uncertain and unclear'
  • Government must be prepared to do everything possible to keep people safe
Rather interestingly the readers comments were 10 to 1 AGAINST Boris, and quite scathing about him.
Now that is unexpected!
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Rather interestingly the readers comments were 10 to 1 AGAINST Boris, and quite scathing about him.
Now that is unexpected!
It goes to show that the tories deserve to be called the nasty party.
I think Corbyn needs more personal attacks of this kind.
The more Boris tries to caricature Corbyn, the more it shows that the tories have no new policies.


Esteemed Pedelecer
This is the view, one I share, of the chap who 'scribes' the AAV blog, on Boris Johnson and his sudden re-emergence with his anti-socialist opinions and his shameful attacks on Jeremy Corbyn.

The whole tory front bench seems terrified of Corbyn, judging by the concerted and relentless attacks on the man from so many of them.

Clearly, these are the words of one very angry man:

'So Boris Johnson gets in the headlines of all the papers for launching a personal attack on Jeremy Corbyn?

If Corbyn wasn't the kind of person who tries to keep personal insults out of politics and stick to trying to debate policies in good faith, he might well have responded that Boris Johnson is a total bullshitter who never did anything that didn't serve his own personal interest, a coward who turned and ran away from responsibility for what he helped to deliver, and the most complete ******* embarrassment of a foreign secretary the UK has ever suffered (only someone who actually wants negotiations to fail would appoint a man who insulted practically every nation on earth as their foreign secretary).

Corbyn won't reply like that of course, but everyone else should because Boris Johnson is blatantly the lowest kind of perfidious blabbermouthing scobberlotcher isn't he?'



Esteemed Pedelecer
Do you remember Esther McVey? Well, apparently she has been adopted as the tory candidate for Tatton, the constituency which provided the nation with probably the worst Chancellor of the Exchequer the UK has ever had.

This creature was slung out by the voters of Wirral West at the last GE and for the life of me, I really cannot think of any qualities she possesses which might influence the people of Tatton to vote for her......other than the fact that she is a nasty, lying, self-aggrandising media whore - a tory in other words!




Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
What is curious about the Tory Voter is the way that they will fall for the lies being fed to them to cover up the reality of the level of Tory rule every time, and even being forced to resign under a cloud is never more than a temporary setback to miscreant politicians.
Quite bizarre.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It begins
Majority of British voters believe Brexit was wrong decision, poll finds
Figures reveal 45 per cent of electorate oppose leaving the EU
against 43 % still living in a dream
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
For completely insane statements lookee here

"David Cameron claims he rid UK politics of poison by holding Brexit vote"

You really can't beat a good "One Liner!"
Never in the field of Male Bovine Excrement, etc, etc.
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
You realise of course that the USA cruise missiles were specifically programmed (and succeeded) in not causing any civilian casualties at all, only soldiers and terrorists as usual.
It must be true or the media would have reported the civilian casualties wouldn't they?
Yeah, sure they would.
... The beauty about using the obnoxious term terrorist is that it can be used post priori and usually post mortem to describe anyone who is a casualty, irrespective of age, gender religious or other attribute. They are not in a position to give an argument.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Good old Boris, he's changed his mind again (or perhaps just forgot to bring it with him today)
Boris Johnson stands by £350m extra NHS funding after Brexit campaign claim
Pressed on whether he still stood by the claim, the Foreign Secretary replied: 'Of course I do'
Never in our thousand year history has anyone tried harder to get the sack than Boris.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Never in our thousand year history has anyone tried harder to get the sack than Boris.
he might succeed soon.
I watched Susanna Reed interviewing him - I could not believe the drivel he came out with. Some time ago, I used to find him entertaining but not anymore.
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Oct 25, 2006
he might succeed soon.
I watched Susanna Reed interviewing him - I could not believe the drivel he came out with. Some time ago, I used to find him entertaining but not anymore.
I think the real truth about Boris Johnson is finally dawning on the wider UK public. Winning his way through life by the use of self-deprecating humour as a mask is no longer working.

His history, plus accounts from those who went to school with him and from his own family have always shown only too clearly his deeply unattractive nature.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Oh dear! Has anyone else come across this yet on social media?



I'm starting a campaign to boycott VIRGIN and any other Richard Branson business.

What he is doing in financing Gina millers anti brexit campaign goes beyond distasteful and I'll even bet a lot of leave voters use his services. He is using his money through Gina miller to interfere with the election with the intention of interfering with brexit. The only thing we can do is play him at his own game and hit him financially. The only power we have to respond to this abuse is to boycott their services.

People like Gina Miller and Richard Branson don't have to worry about rape gangs, they don't have to worry about nhs waiting times or school class sizes. They don't have to worry about the fishing industry or any of that. They don't even have to worry about finding a job and competing with too many others.

These people know nothing about living amongst the effects of immigration, they don't care about its effects on you either. It's not about you or me, it's about them.

Let's show Richard Branson that he may have the money but we hold the real power.. let's all stick it to Branson and let's all boycott virgin...

John Eggleston'

By the tone of this gentleman's comments, he is almost certainly a 'leave' supporter and he is clearly upset by Branson's underhand dealings in the process of his personal wealth expansion programme.

From my point of view, Branson is just like Dyson, Sugar, Bannatyne and all the other 'new money' multi-millionaires. They have no compassion and don't have a humanitarian principle between them - it is simply about wealth creation for them and that wealth benefits no-one but them. They even begrudge paying taxes in the UK, such is their focus on wealth expansion. This is what the tory party is all about.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Maybe I'm wrong here but has anyone else noticed that the media seems to have toned down the election issue over the last day or so?

I wonder if it's because their stance has angered so many people and they are getting some very negative feedback?

It seems the whole parliamentary tory party is fundamentally out of touch with the population and the more their front-benchers pontificate and disparage Jeremy Corbyn, the more flak they are receiving from the public.

This despicable woman is typical of so many of them:



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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Oh dear! Has anyone else come across this yet on social media?

View attachment 18970


I'm starting a campaign to boycott VIRGIN and any other Richard Branson business.

What he is doing in financing Gina millers anti brexit campaign goes beyond distasteful and I'll even bet a lot of leave voters use his services. He is using his money through Gina miller to interfere with the election with the intention of interfering with brexit. The only thing we can do is play him at his own game and hit him financially. The only power we have to respond to this abuse is to boycott their services.

People like Gina Miller and Richard Branson don't have to worry about rape gangs, they don't have to worry about nhs waiting times or school class sizes. They don't have to worry about the fishing industry or any of that. They don't even have to worry about finding a job and competing with too many others.

These people know nothing about living amongst the effects of immigration, they don't care about its effects on you either. It's not about you or me, it's about them.

Let's show Richard Branson that he may have the money but we hold the real power.. let's all stick it to Branson and let's all boycott virgin...

John Eggleston'

By the tone of this gentleman's comments, he is almost certainly a 'leave' supporter and he is clearly upset by Branson's underhand dealings in the process of his personal wealth expansion programme.

From my point of view, Branson is just like Dyson, Sugar, Bannatyne and all the other 'new money' multi-millionaires. They have no compassion and don't have a humanitarian principle between them - it is simply about wealth creation for them and that wealth benefits no-one but them. They even begrudge paying taxes in the UK, such is their focus on wealth expansion. This is what the tory party is all about.

While all of your remarks are true, this is worrying
"What he is doing in financing Gina millers anti brexit campaign goes beyond distasteful and I'll even bet a lot of leave voters use his services.He is using his money through Gina miller to interfere with the election with the intention of interfering with brexit."

Have we got to the stage where campaigning against Brexit is some form of Heresy?
What is this man Branson , odious though he may be, doing that is not within his democratic rights?
How does this differ from the Tory party donors pouring funds into pro Brexit Propaganda?
And of course. one has to ask, does this Eggleston Person not understand that all the things he mentioned as worrying him have no chance of being improved by leaving the EU, as we are about to hand absolute power to the people actually responsible for both perpetrating and also failing to protect us from the things he complains about?

We are become politically hypochondriac as a nation, looking for Quack Cures for all ills from Snake Oil Salesmen and women, and most bizarre of all the Snake Oil sellers are the very carriers of the Plague of confusion,corruption,persecution, lies and propaganda that confuse the greater mass of the Public.


Esteemed Pedelecer
"What he is doing in financing Gina millers anti brexit campaign goes beyond distasteful and I'll even bet a lot of leave voters use his services.He is using his money through Gina miller to interfere with the election with the intention of interfering with brexit."
If there is any principle involved in his actions, something tells me that it will be of a fiscal nature and there will be a financial advantage for him in it somewhere.

It's all rather odd and sometimes I think that we are witnessing a live performance of a production of Orwell's '1984'. This excerpt seems to ring true today somehow:

“In the past the need for a hierarchal form of society has been the doctrine specifically of the High. It had been preached by kings and aristocrats and the priests, lawyers and the like who were parasitical upon them, and it had generally been softened by promises of an imaginary world beyond the grave.”

There is also the matter of indoctrination Orwell referred to:


The tory party seems to behave in a very similar way to the 'Big brother' of the story.



Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
next week local council election should give us an idea how the GE is shaping up.
I think Mr Corbyn is doing OK, sticking to social and economic issues, leaving brexit to Keir Stamner.
His weakness is still John McDonnell.
