Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
higher productivity usually means more robots.
Although we are one of the richest countries, the percentage of economically inactive population is already too high (I think it's about 45% for British citizens) and keeps rising, in or out of the EU.
The rise of inactive population may be less outside the EU because we can have an immigration policy that favours the young.
Oh Dear, since when did the Conservatives ever have policy that favoured any group in the General Public? their policies are to bleed the public to give the loot to the rich.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Whenever someone gives you a reason why brexit is good for some, you jump at their throat.
Really! That's an odd accusation to make as no-one, absolutely no-one, has ever furnished me with even one good reason to secede from the EU.

All I ever get in answer to the simple question about what the benefits would be is verbal diarrhoea from supercilious clowns in their pathetic attempts to justify their belief that we British can do much better without the other 27 nation states.

I really don't understand how they can possibly think that we might do well when we were struggling before the early adopters eventually relented and allowed us entry. In those days, we still had some British-owned industry and had the means to export goods made here without foreign owners raking off most of the profits and cheating the taxman.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Have you watched his speech to congress yet? I've not but I have it on my list of things to do today. I like to hear stuff like that first hand not via the media - so I can form my own opinion of it rather than somebody elses - sometimes I wonder if we even listened to the same speech when I read later the commentaries. From my brief look at Twitter it seems he's done a good job - but I will watch myself and get to see.
I did actually, and he displayed all the classic symptoms of being as egotistical as one can expect from such a creature, with luck they will appoint someone to act as his handler.
Who in their right mind makes promises to improve the lives of his people then instead of doing that decides to build a great wall to keep out the very immigrants that do the actual work in the country, and waste the rest of the money on the already bloated military machine?
Ask yourself, apart from putting billions of Dollars into the Bank balances of his friends in the armaments industry, and allowing the environment to go to hell, what else will the lunatic do for an encore?
He is worth his weight in gold to his country , unfortunately that country is Russia.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Really! That's an odd accusation to make as no-one, absolutely no-one, has ever furnished me with even one good reason to secede from the EU.
didn't you actually dismiss a few reasons that I gave because I am on the side of the idiots?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
OK. Well for now I'll stick with negligence, heresay and gossip. :) Just because it sounds more fun and I don't feel like playing by your rules. I think this is half of how come we voted Brexit and Trump got in - we're fed up of being told how to behave. So here's a few for starters. The changes in the climate are fine. Really. The rest is alarmist nonsense. Here's some more gossip on the lines - nobody cares anymore. About global warming. Its over. And the scientific community will pay big time in the future for the trust they betrayed. How am I doing? Hmmmm. Gossip? About the bears? Last I looked there was around 25,000 of the things. Which is up. They're fine. You can look it up if you like. Just let's get at the coal and get rid of the subsidies on solar and rock on with the driverless cars. Please.
Have people been telling you how to behave? well now why would that be, i wonder?
I had already reached a decision that you didn't realise that you were making yourself look foolish, but thank you for that confirmation.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
No, it means we need factories with jobs then need workers, otherwise what are you going to train people to do?
Productivity gain is a result of modern equipment, strong workforce and favourable conditions. Strong workforce attracts new factories, not the other way round.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Oh Dear, since when did the Conservatives ever have policy that favoured any group in the General Public? their policies are to bleed the public to give the loot to the rich.
I pointed out the high percentage (I think about 45%) of people who need help in our society. Although we are a rich country, we have already difficulty to cover the needs of the 45% that don't work. Any government will need to make sure that the working population (the remaining 55%) can be as productive as possible.
In that context, we need to see if the EU has made it easier to move well paid jobs from the UK to other EU countries where wages are lower.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Productivity gain is a result of modern equipment, strong workforce and favourable conditions. Strong workforce attracts new factories, not the other way round.
Fantastic! How does this work? there are two pertinent questions
  1. How do you know you have a Strong Workforce when they are unemployed
  2. How are New Factories attracted, is it something akin to Osmosis?
No wonder you favour Brexit, does it come with a sort of Religious Tome?

Ten commandments of Brexit
  1. Thou shalt not Question
  2. Thou shalt not plan
  3. Thou shalt not see, read or quote unwelcome facts
  4. Thou shalt see no good in the EU
  5. Thou shalt see no evil in the Government (ever)
  6. Thou shalt not Covet the NHS
  7. The only "Truth" is whatever the Government says it is.
  8. All sorrows past are the Fault of the EU
  9. All sorrows still to come are the fault of the EU
  10. Anything that goes wrong after Brexit not attributed to the EU is the "Will of the People"
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I pointed out the high percentage (I think about 45%) of people who need help in our society. Although we are a rich country, we have already difficulty to cover the needs of the 45% that don't work. Any government will need to make sure that the working population (the remaining 55%) can be as productive as possible.
In that context, we need to see if the EU has made it easier to move well paid jobs from the UK to other EU countries where wages are lower.
Just one problem they have already said they won't do that and immigration will increase if the fancy takes them, haven't they?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Sour and spiteful media representation again. You can safely disregard it.

Listen to the speech, it was full of good stuff and he sounded very different to a few weeks ago. The Donald is doing ok and will be good for both America, and the U.K.

I hear that Obama is writing a book. He may as well get Andrex to publish it in the UK.
Truly you are getting worse and cornier by the day, fortunately I'm sure you speak in jest.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Dave - me neither. Not significant. Petrol is up around 124p here when it was almost at one pound a year back - food is the main thing and that's not changed much. Energy is going up but I found this tiny energy company in Birmingham who were 30% cheaper than E-on - though their customer service is diabolical but so far the gas and electricity remain switched on. I get my kicks walking the dog and my personal break even is about as low as its been all my life - no debts other than the mortgage - cook our own food - don't drink much or go to pubs (where they charge the same price for one glass of wine as a whole bottle costs at home).

From the time I was 14 getting up at 4.30am to do a paper round so I could have more pocket money than my parents would give me - I've never had much of an issue with money. Learned the hard way in my 20s not to use credit cards if you're not paying them back every month in full. Etc.

But prices going up? Oh they will. They always do. But then so can your wages. I had 3 jobs at once before - other times I lived off my savings for almost a year doing almost nothing. And I know some people need help. Its making sure only the genuine ones get it thats the challenge. Otherwise we're back to the Socialism idea.
The Socialism idea that you have failed to understand.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Fantastic! How does this work? there are two pertinent questions
  1. How do you know you have a Strong Workforce when the are unemployed
  2. How are New Factories attracted, is it something akin to Osmosis?
No wonder you favour Brexit, does it come with a sort of Religious Tome?

Ten commandments of Brexit
  1. Thou shalt not Question
  2. Thou shalt not plan
  3. Thou shalt not see, read or quote unwelcome facts
  4. Thou shalt see no good in the EU
  5. Thou shalt see no evil in the Government (ever)
  6. Thou shalt not Covet the NHS
  7. The only "Truth" is whatever the Government says it is.
  8. All sorrows past are the Fault of the EU
  9. All sorrows still to come are the fault of the EU
  10. Anything that goes wrong after Brexit not attributed to the EU is the "Will of the People"
You could be just as sarcastic about anything. In or out of the EU.
As I said before, brexit has many unknowns. We'll discover them and deal with them as a new relationship with the EU develops. Until then, there is bound to be uncertainty.
"Anything that goes wrong after Brexit not attributed to the EU is the "Will of the People", that I can agree with. 52% voted for it then we have to pay for it.
Maybe the future cost of brexit will make enough people change their mind and want us to rejoin but at the moment, it is unlikely. I don't see that happens, not in England.
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