Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
Broken US electoral system:

"Most state laws establish a winner-take-all system, wherein the ticket that wins a plurality of votes wins all of that state's allocated electoral votes, and thus has their slate of electors chosen to vote in the Electoral College.
Maine and Nebraska do not use this method, instead giving two electoral votes to the statewide winner and one electoral vote to the winner of each Congressional district."

About as un-democratic a system as you can get IMO.


Oct 25, 2006
Ah.the joys of witty intellectual conversation.....if only I had had the bigly classical education Trump had!
I see the class action against the Trump University has succeeded, Trump agreeing to pay the damages for it's failure to deliver what was promised. Such failure seems to be a habit with him.
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
If Parliament is sovereign,May has promised a vote on the deal at the end of the A50 negotiations. But this vote is accept the deal or no deal,there doesn't seem to be a third option,stay in the EU.
Such an option would be fair...if May and Co make a bad job of any negotiations,which I think is likely,Parliament should have the right to punish May for doing a poor job.
May and Co don't seem to care about the economy,she and the right wingers are besotted about our own law making ability.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Watching the TV at the moment,it looks like we are going to have to make a divorce settlement with the EU at 30-40 billion euros,it didn't mention that on the voting paper or down the side of the red bus.
They all knew what they voted for, remember, so no problem there[emoji1]

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
In the Sun
Turkey detains 400 ISIS suspects in nationwide operation just one month after attack on Istanbul nightclub
Authorities say many of the arrested people are non-Turkish citizens with some of them suspected of planning future attacks just weeks after ISIS killed 39 partygoers
State-run media reports that those held were mainly foreign nationals but didn't say if they were necessarily linked to any suspected plot.

The suspects were rounded up in simultaneous raids on the Sincan, Cubuk, Yenimahalle and Mamak districts of the capital."
At first glance this sounds like great news, with just a couple of niggling doubtt
  1. "Mass Terrorist Arrests assumes guilt without any trial taking place the Sun should have identified them as Suspected Terrorists
  2. State run media didn't say if they were necessarily linked to any suspected plot.
  3. Erdogan may well be using this as an excuse for another Pogrom of the opposition.
Needless to say one of the comments from a reader was the rather predictable

"Hang them then charge them would be good."

And a more rational reader responded

"Yeah, especially the 50 or so children under 5 they have arrested. Clearly they are guilty of something......"

Why does the Sun try to make Turkey seem to be on the side of the angels instead of reporting impartially?
Helpfully the Sun provides the answer to that in the same article

"During a visit to the Middle Eastern nation two weeks ago Theresa May agreed a £100million deal with the Turkish President Erdogan to develop fighter jets.
The moral being it doesn't matter about the truth, or people's Human Rights, if that country is one we can profit from, they can get away with anything.
Worse some of it's readers are stupid enough to applaud what despots do.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Broken US electoral system:

"Most state laws establish a winner-take-all system, wherein the ticket that wins a plurality of votes wins all of that state's allocated electoral votes, and thus has their slate of electors chosen to vote in the Electoral College.
Maine and Nebraska do not use this method, instead giving two electoral votes to the statewide winner and one electoral vote to the winner of each Congressional district."

About as un-democratic a system as you can get IMO.
Don't you mean up to this point in time?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Just when you though Trump couldn't make an even bigger fool of himself, the man shows exceptional talent!
From the Sun
Donald Trump defends Vladimir Putin over claims Russian president MURDERS his enemies with shocking suggestion US does the same"

So in America criticism is met with "Extreme Prejudice" ?
He has an even bigger talent that Boris for Applied Stupidity.

Everyone knows that what he said is true, but it really is a case that he needs to learn that unguarded statements undermine the country he is charged to represent.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Here is another example of how ignorant people are as to how the EU operates.
Am I missing something?' Andrew Neil FUMES over £30billion figure UK expects to pay EU"

Clearly he doesn't understand that while a member we have entered into many long term expenditures that we have signed up to, and the bill is our share of the costs of those projects, there are in fact several under construction in Hull at the present moment.

As part of the Brexit negotiations the level of our liability will be a big factor in determining any deal over trade and Market Access.

An example of just how little people who voted for Brexit understood the situation, is their outrage at this figure, as in their imagination we could just walk away and dictate terms suitable only to ourselves, and pay nothing for things we have agreed to, in fact in many cases of these projects we have benefited from them here in this country.
Simply put we owe this money.

Bit different now to being told there would be £350 Million pounds for the NHS, isn't it?

Sure enough the Reader's letters in the Express are full of outrage and pointless threats against the EU as usual.


Esteemed Pedelecer
As there appears to be no economic justification for 'Brexit', no strategic benefit and our currency has plummeted since last June, it seems that the only measurable growth we have witnessed since then is in overt racism.

The tory party, their media wing and their ultra-right comrades-in-arms of the EDL, Britain First and the other, similar rag-tag outfits pretending to be political parties, have been emboldened by the 'Brexit' movement and that is why police around the country have reported a substantial increase in racially-motivated crime.

All those who voted for 'Brexit' empowered these morons and their silence in regard to these racial crimes shames this whole country.

I'm sure the apologists for this evil 21st century fascism will deny any connection as they always do but one doesn't have to look very far to find reports like this:

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Oct 25, 2006
Am I missing something?' Andrew Neil FUMES over £30billion figure UK expects to pay EU"
We'll be lucky if they agree it at that low level, £40 billions in payments spread over time is more likely. It will be a very long time before there's any of the promised savings which could be diverted to the NHS.
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Oct 25, 2006
brexit is rewarding in other ways than financially.
There certainly are some advantageous aspects, getting rid of the CAP and replacing it with something more sensible for a start.

But I'm still a remainer partly because the economy is so vital, and I see that suffering very severely if we end up with a poor exit.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
brexit is rewarding in other ways than financially.
Really? and just how many promises made to the people are in danger to being kept?
Rewarding changes can only apply in a limited number of instances, and even then are purely theoretical with no guarantee attached of success
It's all an unjustifiable gamble, fraught with danger.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Be a little more patient. Brexit hasn't happened yet.
You'll see the changes in about 5 years.
