Brexit, for once some facts.


Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
Where are we going to get the £40 billion from? Don't forget we said we would make sure that the farmers/scientists/universities/Wales/Scotland did not lose out,we also maybe have to pay something for passporting and the 350 million per week that Boris promised.
We are going to have to do very well post Brexit to afford all this.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
we have borrowed £1,814 billions so far, £40 billions more won't make much difference.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
BRITAIN TERROR WARNING: UK military defence CANNOT properly protect country, probe reveals
BRITAIN’S armed forces would not be able to protect the country against a serious military assault, an investigation has revealed.

Who's going to pay to put that right? and "Control" our Borders?
Better borrow another £100 Billion or so
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I wonder how long before someone in the House of Commons demands that the option must be available to reject leaving the EU if a suitable deal cannot be reached.
Why is it inevitable that we must leave?
When the terms of leaving are announced the matter must be put to the Public for approval resulting in Leaving the EU or rejection which would result in remaining in the EU.

Anything less is a Betrayal of not merely the 48%, but everyone
It will be utterly stupid, like going out to buy a new car, finding when it arrived it had no engine or wheels, but being forced to buy it because you previously said you wanted to.

Only a complete idiot would accept such a deal, but for some incomprehensible reason we are told we must do?

The nearest I can envisage in stupidity would be signing to Donate organs and find it had a clause saying you didn't have to be dead before they collected them!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Where are we going to get the £40 billion from? Don't forget we said we would make sure that the farmers/scientists/universities/Wales/Scotland did not lose out,we also maybe have to pay something for passporting and the 350 million per week that Boris promised.
We are going to have to do very well post Brexit to afford all this.
And 14 Weeks Paid Holiday too!
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I wonder just what this woman is hoping for?
She wanted change, she clearly said she was fed up with EU's silly rules on bananas.
No one pointed out to her that bananas from Aldi that she likes are subjected to the same rules. That goes to show the power of Mr Boris Johnson and Mr Paul Dacre, the latter is arguably the most politically influential man in the UK.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
I wonder how long before someone in the House of Commons demands that the option must be available to reject leaving the EU if a suitable deal cannot be reached.
Why is it inevitable that we must leave?
When the terms of leaving are announced the matter must be put to the Public for approval resulting in Leaving the EU or rejection which would result in remaining in the EU.

Anything less is a Betrayal of not merely the 48%, but everyone
It will be utterly stupid, like going out to buy a new car, finding when it arrived it had no engine or wheels, but being forced to buy it because you previously said you wanted to.

Only a complete idiot would accept such a deal, but for some incomprehensible reason we are told we must do?

The nearest I can envisage in stupidity would be signing to Donate organs and find it had a clause saying you didn't have to be dead before they collected them!

I enjoyed your analogy...

But back to your main point
Will this mythical MP demand this before or after brexit is triggered? .... Why has nobody picked up on the fact that the Westminster parliment loses control of this option post the letter being sent to EU.
UK will then be relying on the comfort of strangers ! Strangers which they have sent a while insulting.....
Massive generalisation... coming up.

New data out today shows, the brilliant news.

We're being taken out of the EU by a load of old, uneducated people.

obviously this isn't new news, but the details are new and do back up many things, that had been expected.

Some interesting data, on the local level.

If I was an MP, I know what this would make me feel.


Esteemed Pedelecer
There is a whole lot of unrest in the USA at the moment and my American friends tell me much of it goes unreported. No surprise there, I guess! It seems that more and more groups of people are turning against Trump daily so there are interesting times ahead.

Apparently, this has become the latest fashion for many protesters:




Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
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Their votes are worth same as yours.
Our parliament wanted a referendum.
I didn't say anyone's vote was worth more or less than anyone else's.

However when the MPs look at what is best for the country, they have to take on board the "opinion" of the country, and work out what is best for us all.

So whilst the votes are worth the same, the impact of the votes can have a very different results in the minds of MPs / decision makers.
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Oct 25, 2006
She wanted change, she clearly said she was fed up with EU's silly rules on bananas.
There are no rules on bananas, only a set of standards that enable buying at a distance with confidence. They enable one to know the quality etc of what one will receive. Such agreed standards are important in an open market. But anyone is free to buy at any quality standard, it's a free choice with no rule preventing even the lowest grade product if that is what is desired.

It was the likes of the Daily Mail seizing upon these standards and falsely portraying them as rules which led to so many believing otherwise.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
However when the MPs look at what is best for the country, they have to take on board the "opinion" of the country, and work out what is best for us all.
it's no good to ask for people's opinion in a referendum and not accepting the result later. MPs have been warned times and times again against referenda.

Brexit is not terminal.

If in 5 years time, it's proven good then it's a good result. If not and most people are then fed up with inflation and want to go back, it will still be a good result, we will be a much more cooperative member.
