I wonder how long before someone in the House of Commons demands that the option must be available to reject leaving the EU if a suitable deal cannot be reached.
Why is it inevitable that we must leave?
When the terms of leaving are announced the matter must be put to the Public for approval resulting in Leaving the EU or rejection which would result in remaining in the EU.
Anything less is a Betrayal of not merely the 48%, but everyone
It will be utterly stupid, like going out to buy a new car, finding when it arrived it had no engine or wheels, but being forced to buy it because you previously said you wanted to.
Only a complete idiot would accept such a deal, but for some incomprehensible reason we are told we must do?
The nearest I can envisage in stupidity would be signing to Donate organs and find it had a clause saying you didn't have to be dead before they collected them!