Sheer fantasy.
Someone a few days ago says Putin wants to reinstate the USSR, immediately like sheep everyone is repeating this ridiculous myth and the politicians are using it as propaganda.
These same western politicians and so called experts have only just twigged that Russia is aiming to seal Ukraine off from the Black Sea, something I posted days ago was the aim. They don't seem to have a clue what is happening so are wildly guessing. Putin and Russia have absolutely no designs on present further expansion and will not under any circumstance attack any NATO country if NATO doesn't attack them first.
I've told you in the finest illustrated detail what Russia's aims are for this invasion and those only involve Ukraine, no other country. Now just watch it happen as I've said it will, assuming Putin succeeds.
Flecc, that is complete supposition on your part. And, even if it's the case Putin has not the slightest right to take Crimea in 2014 and now the parts of Ukraine he desires.
It's as though if he asks politely for the land he wants Ukraine should just say"oh ofcourse Mr Putin, exactly how much Ukraine do you want and where? "Barmy flecc.
I, d like UK to have Normandy, would be perfect for a holiday home. I, ll ask Boris to send some war ships and kick the French out.
I, ve said before Flecc, your justification for Putin is not at all. Just because he has nuclear missiles and a massive army doesn't mean he can resort to invading parts of certain countries in his desire for Empires. Its utterly ridiculous.
And actually he already rules a massive area anyway, and he already has borders onto NATO countries which have never been problematic.(Canada)