I try to hang on to the belief that Brexit voters aren't stupid, the way you are acting is not helping at allYou really can be a stupid c%^t at times.
Grow up! and stop resorting to childish remarks like that.
I try to hang on to the belief that Brexit voters aren't stupid, the way you are acting is not helping at allYou really can be a stupid c%^t at times.
I agree with making work attractive and idleness unattractive,IDS has been trying to achieve that by his universal credit reforms.At present, there are many perfectly able bodied people who do not work. Their parents did not work, their grand parents probably never worked and they too have no intention of working either. The financial differential between not working and working is small, so small that they can't see the point.
Under BREXIT, I think that public money will be short and will need to be invested in infrastructure, and those unable to support themselves. The idle, those that Kudos would not employ if he were paid to do so because of their disruptive nature, are going to be squeezed. They are going to be some of the hardest hit.
Their choice will be simple. Take employment, like I and many others have done, or suffer. I think BREXIT will enhance the suffering of the idle whilst at the same time enhancing the lives of the vulnerable. a win win situation.
Don't appeal to the audience 'Woosh'. Whatever else you may have stated in this thread, I doubt any of it is as shameful as your stance on Australians and by definition, all Commonwealth citizens.Tom,
you picked up an innocent remark in #10009 in reply to KTM (asking me if I support FOM with Australia) and because I don't, I insulted Australians. Hello? Does anyone else agree with uncle Tom?
'You don't suffer fools gladly'. Is this the best argument you can put up?
This entire post is completely and utterly ridiculous. Woosh insulted or offended nobody.Don't appeal to the audience 'Woosh'. Whatever else you may have stated in this thread, I doubt any of it is as shameful as your stance on Australians and by definition, all Commonwealth citizens.
That you cannot even see that your comment is out of order and you fail to offer any apology for the remark simply further demonstrates your ignorance.
As for your last sentence, what are you talking about? What argument?
Yes, I don't have to imagine the EU's part 30 years ago, I have an excellent memory and can tell you that it didn't play enough of a part.Could people really imagine the part EU plays in our lives 30 years ago ? And in another 30 years ?
This post is another example of a gratuitous attack for no other purpose than to gain a response and create an argumentIn course of this thread I wonder just how many posters OG and Tom have wound up to point of sheer frustration. They see insult where there is none, offend when its totally unnecessary and generally ruin good debate. I,ve totally disagreed with Woosh, KTM,Kudos , even Tilson and lots of others but in each of those cases posters are capable of expressing opinions without resorting to insult, patronising or silly humour. OG and Tom just cant communicate without resorting to all 3. Its a shame because behind all the insult, attempted humour, and self righteous arrogance there is an occasional valid point, which gets lost in their Trump style debating technique. They become the very people they say they despise. Its very strange for so called mature civilised gentlemen..
And BTW Tom, you keep insisting remainers have been brainwashed by press..which is certainly not case. Suspect all of us know to take most stuff in media nowadays with a pinch of salt, but ironically you believe every word in Vox and AAV...both blatant left wing propoganda.
And people like you imagine it's impressive to attack everyone yet make no contribution the the Thread.This entire post is completely and utterly ridiculous. Woosh insulted or offended nobody.
Tom does this all the time. He labelled me a racist for absolutely nothing.
This is a big issue in our society at moment. Folk like Tom think its ok to shout " racist" or " offensive" when literally nothing has happened. In the mean time the real racists , offensive people go happily along unchallenged. You just cant do this Tom. Its utterly uncalled forffensive and unfair. An individual cant prove a negative. Woosh cant prove he isn't something. ( in this case offensive) I cant prove I,m not racist and we should not have to. I think you are going mad.
Have a good read of Woosh's posts. If you see offence its because you are looking for it. GIVE IT A REST. If anyone owes apologies its you.
I wonder how long before he is impeached or otherwise neutered, he must be really pushing the patience of the American Body politic by now!Already Trumps anti Muslim stance has a reaction from Iran,they haven't stated what form that reaction will take but obviously the start of a diplomatic spat,he has upset all 7 Muslim countries.
He is at the start of a tariff war with Mexico.
He has upset the Chinese by threatening trade tariffs and anti the south China island sea islands,bad news they own most of the US Sovereign debt.
He has upset Merkel because of his anti EU status.
He has upset all the countries on the Pacific rim by cancelling the Pacific trade deal.
Not bad in one week,hehe
I,m not attacking anyone. I,m saying it exactly as it is.And people like you imagine it's impressive to attack everyone yet make no contribution the the Thread.
Take your own advice
prove a negative and make a cogent on topic post
Why does staying in the EU stop us 'furthering our horizons'.....I sell to at least half the world,the other half are just not interested in what I have to sell.I have never found being in the EU restricting any sale,anywhere....I think this grasping opportunities rhetoric is an invention of Fox and May but has no basis.Kudos
I don't think Brexit ever was going to or ever will solve all UK,s ills but then again EU certainly wasn't going to.
Our future lies looking further afield than Europe, staying within eu will limit those horizons and would have ( will, if we stay) start introducing further restrictions in years to come.
Could people really imagine the part EU plays in our lives 30 years ago ? And in another 30 years ?
Well at least now we can say MPs did or didn't take us out, instead if blaming each other and calling one side or another stupid.Yes, I don't have to imagine the EU's part 30 years ago, I have an excellent memory and can tell you that it didn't play enough of a part.
Fortunately for all of us it now plays a very much bigger part, greatly improving the lives of many.
And in another 30 years it could well have made our lives even better, but sadly ignorance and stupidity has triumphed instead and we in the UK may have little or no part in that.
Unless of course we have come to our collective senses and rejoined the EU, which by then will be well on the way to becoming the one federal country of United Europe and a major force in the world.
Much to the pleasure of Jean Claude Juncker who will be a contented 92 then.
Someone will take him out,he must be a security nightmare in the states.I wonder how long before he is impeached or otherwise neutered, he must be really pushing the patience of the American Body politic by now!
That amounts to an admission that you don't even know you are doing it, but then is that a surprise, no not really.I,m not attacking anyone. I,m saying it exactly as it is.
According to you...when mods ask me to modify I would..in mean time hard luck. I,ll carry on pointing out what a PITA you and Tom actually are.That amounts to an admission that you don't even know you are doing it, but then is that a surprise, no not really.
It had nothing whatever to do with the subject of this thread and you should not have made such a posting.
In other words you confirm by that statement that you will continue making scurrilous attacks until prevented, you are simply an irritant by your own admission and wasting our time.According to you...when mods ask me to modify I would..in mean time hard luck. I,ll carry on pointing out what a PITA you and Tom actually are.