Yes, I think you are right in that there is a degree of personal interest involved. However, I suspect that is also the case for many people who accept the vaccine. I would point out that I placed myself on the vaccine register to be part of the clinical trials and would have participated in these had I been invited. However, I don't really need to justify myself any further than that. Oddly enough though I do appreciate your response which is heartfelt. The thing is though that I am never going to change your mind, nor you mine on a forum like this. Thanks to everyone else who made comments but I think maybe it's best to leave things there.
Couldn't agree more on the changing mind point on this forum. Nobody has changed their minds on any thing in 4 years. As a psychologist I, d guess you, d know more than most on that one.
To be honest there aren't any altruistic upstanding benefit for society motives on my part to have vaccine. All utterly selfish.
Having being a sort of mathematician all my life its a pure numbers study for me.
As it is if I went about my everyday life meeting even the few folk I do, I, d guess I have around a 1 in 10 chance of catching covid. I, d guess my chance of dying would be 1 in a 100 having caught it. Combined overall... becomes 1 in a 1000.Go out loads...I,m going to come unstuck.
Repeat post vaccine. Chance of catching if most are vaccinated... 1 in 100..? .Chance of dying post vaccine having caught it.. 1 in 10,000?? Combined risk... 1 in 1 000 000...reckon that's less risk than driving car.
So vaccine everytime for me. . But for selfish reasons.
To my mind the vaccine is double edged. It reduces your chance of catching it and reduces your chance of dying if you do. No matter what numerical value you place on both those risks they are compounded so have a massive affect on overall risk.??? If that makes sense.
Long term issues? I, m too old to worry much about those. Probably drown trying to sail somewhere.