First, welcome back! second
Mt wife just received a long over due notice
"Government guidance for clinically vulnerable people"
Which contains a line that demonstrates their lack of faith in the efficiency of vaccines to protect her.
"Even if they have had both vaccination doses, they should continue to follow these shielding measures as we continue to as of vaccination assess the impact of vaccination among all groups"
And of course this has emerged
Antibody Test for IgG
This test detects IgG antibodies that develop in most patients within seven to 10 days after symptoms of COVID-19 begin. IgG antibodies remain in the blood after an infection has passed. These antibodies indicate that you may have had COVID-19 in the recent past and have developed antibodies that may protect you from future infection. It is unknown at this point how much protection antibodies might provide against reinfection.
Be careful what you gloat about Zlatan, this is not a football match, and we are at risk as I have said all along with this interference with the dosing period