I dont quite understand how you can argue individual autonomy for countries within EU and for eu to be effective. In my opinion they are mutually exclusive.
Yes autonomy is great for your own country but that very aspect you mention produces the very issue condeming the EU to fail...how in earth can 27 ( 28 ?) autonomous states make agreements that must damage themselves for mutual benefit of all...it simply can not work..Its the same with fiscal policy and its the aspect which will ( has) led to the useless pink elephant we call Brussels.
For it to work eu needs ,for want of a better word, sovereignty over its members. Its exactly why most powerful get more so and poorer likewise.
Why has Luxembourg attracted all major corporations ? Greece, none. Why has Germany invested billions b its industry and Spain virtually none. Bin
Its easy to speak with great principles but making them policies is impossible. If it wasn't poverty would be randomly spread throughout EU, its distribution has not altered in the slightest, infact across EU the ratio of rich to poor has widened , compare Luxembourg with Ireland?
The EU has achieved nothing towards eliminating poverty. Ask Mr Junkers why not ?
If by your argument individual countries are responsible for their own well being, or lack of it,exactly what purpose is eu serving ? Watching out for the poor it helps create in Spain?
And the argument the EU does nit help create them is completely spurious. Luxembourg steals tax from every eu member by undercutting tax charges other countries are not allowed to impose. That system cost American government 95 billion in lost tax revenue in 2014. Your eu encourages this ?
The EU is a,trading block, no more no less. Remainers are putting ideological expectations that it simply can not achieve in its current form.
I have described how autonomy actually works. Whether it agrees with your perception as to how it SHOULD work cannot be my concern. Mutual cooperation need not be a zero sum game as you are implying. Cutting down barriers to trade boosts productivity.
Yes the EU is a trading block , but also more besides..
I have witnessed the gradual improvements which have taken place in Ireland since our accession in 1973 , as a consequence of EU membership. Cumulatively they are spectacular.
How is Luxembourg powerful it is but a tiny state,? but it is wealthy because with small populations it is very possible to increase wealth quickly and . As with property the most important three things are location, location , location.
If any member state is of the opinion that Luxembourg or any other state is breaking EU law or trading regulation, they are free to bring them to EU court.
Yes there are tax loopholes, is it not more likely that large trading blocks are more likely to help cut them off than a myriad of small trading entities competing with each other? I have no desire to discuss united states tax codes it does not address the issue of why the UK is better placed by abandoning it's relations with its nearest neighbours.
Germany is wealthy for a number of reasons but particularly because they have a hard work ethic , and they invested in engineering manufacture when other countries went for the soft option of foisting these industries on the third world. Despite what the traders in the city of London might claim, economic activity is a result of manufacturing excelence.
The fact that Germany did not waste a significant fraction of their GDP on military adventures also gave them more to invest.
Despite some three responses you have failed to answer the question except in the terms that some economists believe that the UK would be better served outside than inside .. is that your final answer?