There’s nothing wrong with my pronouns. I don’t recognise LGBGTRNLIRACAAGREENFLAGBAMEBLM or whatever is in fashion this week. It’s all fabricated nonsense created by the mentally ill. Conspiracy theory stuff, like the great reset and Covid is a hoaxYou're so old school. You remind me of my dad when I used to be listening to Jimi Hendrix. You need to get modern. I would start by learning your pronouns:
Gender Neutral Pronouns: What They Are & How to Use Them
To avoid offending someone, consider using these gender-neutral pronouns in your everyday workplace
Regarding the remainder of your post, yes my outlook is older than my age.
Now let’s get those dour, no nonsense men back on the telly teaching physics, mathematics and English. Non of the social or sports science crap. That’s for people who want to serve chips and burgers to punters in a pub, and we aren’t going to have many of those left.
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