Think you miss point. What date did you have your first shot OG? Compare that to Hungary, France, Germany..As usual you miss the point
The EU does not control member nations actions, it never had that power, it can only help and advise.
As to not being able to make quick decisions? are you serious? ye gods are you actually saying we make them quicker here?
EU membership costs were a fraction of the benefits.
As to More vaccinations here in UK than EU
Based on all previous government boasts you need to put
"claimed" before the statement
By the way this is from the EU
How will logistics work? How will vaccines be distributed?
Logistics and transportation is a key aspect on which all Member States have to work, as emphasised in the Communication on preparedness for COVID-19 vaccination strategies and vaccine deployment of 15 October.
Delivery to national distribution hub(s) will be ensured by the manufacturers.
Further distribution to vaccination centres will be ensured by Member States, who will also be responsible for the vaccination of their population.
Notice you accepted shot organised by our useless Government?? You know, like at the head of the queu in front of entire world and then decry the very system that put you there.

Unless you are Germany. Same old EU, it's got the French disease. Spends months deciding on rules, a fortune implementing them... But then ignore them?? Great idea.
In mean time UK has started it's rollout.So has Israel, China, USA, etc etc. But the country having had most input into Biontech hasn't yet.??? I wonder why??
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