We find it immensely frustrating that we are supposed not to drive, at all, in going for exercise.
The walk round the block, while very pleasant in many ways, does tend to get a bit boring. It is also hard for partner - some days more than others - due to distance and hilliness.
Seems somehow wrong to preclude driving to the nearest flat walk for the sake of her health. Or even a bit further. We are not exactly crowded here.
We, ve tried to read rules. It seems as far as
we can ascertain you are supposed to stay within your own Local Health Authority. So if you happen to live in a massive one, you can drive??
We were wondering if a drive to coast is acceptable for windsurfing. (form of exercise, not available on lakes this time of year) But came to conclusion. No it isn't.
So driving on my own, sailing on my own, not seeing any one... is not allowed.. Yet mates on street go out biking in pairs perfectly OK.??
But there are bound to be anomalies. So be it. Wait till summer.
Oh, and, neighbour teaches at local school. My gkids are off and at home from same school but school is running at between 50 and 70 % attendence.??? (we have more key workers than last lockdown apparently anyone can claim key worker status on religious grounds, parents are not questioned if religion is mentioned???)
What's going on with that one.?
Must be a lot of newly ordained vicars in Rotherham. About time too.