Don't worry, just look at the mismatch of your two paragraphs above:I was watching CNBC a few days ago and I think there were some schools in Florida where there had been Covid outbreaks that they had had to close. Several Universities which had gone back to conventional teaching have switched back to on line learning, again due to outbreaks.
I can't help but think about all those outbreaks that occurred in meat processing plants all around the world a few months ago. The conditions in those plants ie. No or very little sun light, areas with temperatures kept to between 4 and 6 degrees centigrade, very damp atmosphere. Those conditions sound very similar to a British winter to me, and the virus seems to really love those conditions.
So when our weather becomes more like a meat processing plant, when schools, colleges and universities are back in full swing, and when more people are back to work, traveling on buses, trains and the tube I am worried that we might be back to where we were a few months ago.
Florida and its sunshine, meat plants without sunlight and at 4 to 6 degreees, but both with outbreaks. There really isn't any connection.
I'm content to just wait and see, surprises arise in two directions, and the schools have gone OTT with precautions. One I was listening to on the news has installed 300 extra sinks for kids to wash their hands in. With an average size school that's a sink for EVERY THREE KIDS, on top of all those they already had. Or put another way six extra sinks per class.