Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
...and frozen pizza makers, and pig in blanket constructors. All of our young people are being fleeced in universities, attending so they obtain a useless qualification and £45000 worth of debt by default. Then they can enter the workforce and do something totally non-relevant to their qualification.
most of us do something non-relevant (career-wise) to their qualification anyway, even with a full grant.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Yes, I do agree, but can he really do much whilst Party is controlled by Unite/McCluskey. But of them all he is most likely to try and lead them out the wilderness. He isn't leader yet tho.
he'll have a few years ahead. If he can confront BJ, that's a good start.


Oct 25, 2006
Starmer might.
He puts winning power at the top of his agenda, meaning he'll do what it takes rather than sticking to socialist ideals.
Agreed, Starmer is all about expediency as his time running the CPS showed. A serious defect there, leading to false convictions with many still to be exposed, but handy in politics.
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Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
Things change, at one time in history, you would have been hanged for minor theft, today you wouldn’t. Once upon a time, immigration rules were more relaxed than they are today.

It’s not a big deal.
our government will introduce exceptions to get round the fact that jobs that Brits don't want to do will still need to be filled by EU low skilled workers whereas the EU27 wouldn't need to reciprocate likewise because they don't need low skilled Brits.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
OG, the performance of the second party in our flawed democracy has a massive influence on the actions of the party in power. Its a concept you fail to understand. If the second party runs and hides to avoid power, or does that inadvertently, it leaves the major party total unchallenged power. That is exactly the situation we now find ourselves.
Your claiming Labour are waiting in wings to take the reins when things go wrong is just so wrong on so many levels. Its that very lack of opposition that gives them the reins in the first place. If there were a viable altetnative second party to replace them I, d totally agree but there isnt. As it is we have one major party and 4 very minor squabbling ones. Its nothinh to do with my private feelings over Brexit. We simply do not have a democracy when we dont have a viable opposition. We haven't had one since Corbyn and Momentum hijacked labour. Fact.
Despite what you may believe, I am fully aware of how our parliament operates.
The opposition cannot effect the party in power in any significant way is the truth
An even more fundamental truth for you to chew on is this
Who ever controls the media determines which party is in power by manipulating the voters.
Boris wasn't elected because of anything the Labour party did but because there was a campaign against labour using every weapon available including the support of the Israeli lobby.
No matter who had been in charge the result was a foregone conclusion bought and paid for.

When Boris fails to deliver to his paymasters he will be toast and suddenly all will be forgiven and Keir Starmer or whoever is front person will be made to look like the second coming in the media by making the same promises
Phony Blair did after the Tory dishonesty scandals.
And what made the media change sides?

Outraged Public opinion that they could use to serve their ends.
They did it with Brexit
And they will do it again to undo the damage, when they perceive there is likely to be unrest, a profit to be made by dumping the administration.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I think you read things and interpret them wrongly. Yes, I voted Brexit and much as I said I, d vote differently if given another chance, it was for social reasons rather than intrinsically not believing in leaving, but I, m not starting all that again. I believe we should leave. EU is and should remain a trading block and not an all controlling political experiment, which is exactly what it is.
I dont want Labour to change anything about Brexit, I wanted them to spend billions on infrastructure, social care and NHS. End of. (as they said they would in manifesto)
Their stance on Brexit was a joke, appalling sitting on fence and its partly why they lost. They didnt have a stance on it one way or other,so how they were supposed to rescue anyone over it is pure fantasy in yours and OG's bizarre minds. I didnt want ref 2 as didnt majority of country.
I, m obviously not of limited intelligence. Thanks. I wish I could reciprocate compliment.
I wanted and want Labour to be a viable alternative. They are not. Its not complicated Agnew. I, ve tried to explain in simple terms why country needs an electable second party. Its upto to you to develop the knowledge about our democracy to understand why. Good luck, there might be a Ladybird book on subject.

On why Labour lost, do you really believe our country would vote into no 10 an organisation controlled by McCluskey and led by Corbyn / Abbott. It was never going to happen and anyone with slightest inclination about feeling of electorate has known so for past 5 years. Just the nutters truly believed Corbyn /Abbott/McCluskey were capable of running country. Rest of us knew all 3 are incompetent. (even though I voted for them hoping that if they did win our system would limit the damage)
You, d really chose Corbyn/Abbot McCluskey over present mob? I actually doubt you really would. You couldn't really be that stupid. So we chose the second worse option. Tories.
No, the voters were mugged by the media as usual, simple as that


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Tweet of the day (not mine alas)
"Just heard Alexei Sayle talk about a man declared fit for work who dropped dead in the Job Centre.
DWP say that's all right, he can get work as a draught excluder.
The joke that inspired Priti Ruthless's policy

And the runner up is this
‘It’s wrong to rely on low-skilled workers’ insists party consisting entirely of low-skilled workers:

Then again that second place could go to this one

Fifty years ago the world saw the UK as the sick man of Europe, now with Brexit the world is realising we're the thick man of Europe...quite an achievement. This is what happens when you don't address electoral cheating, fraud and political corruption.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Again, this is not a question, it’s not going to happen. Stop being daft.
For your information we have had a points based system for years for non EU immigrants, and they are the majority.
And yet despite that system the Government has been letting them in.
Do you really think that will change (bearing in mind that they have said it wont?)
So the result will be more lies and promises as usual

Barry Shittpeas

Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 1, 2020
For your information we have had a points based system for years for non EU immigrants, and they are the majority.
And yet despite that system the Government has been letting them in.
Do you really think that will change (bearing in mind that they have said it wont?)
So the result will be more lies and promises as usual
I expect no change whatsoever. It’s all BS, lies and smoke & mirrors, calculated to excite the Brexit voters. As you say, success governments have had full control of non EU immigration for years, but have failed to control it. They will fail with thus initiative, but won’t have the EU to use as a scapegoat thus time.
