We’ve been down profiting from someone else’s loss, avenue before. It leads onto nonsense street.
He’s not bought a house, it’s just a tale to try and convince himself that Brexit is a good idea.
Not quite yet that's true. But the mortgage is in place.
Just waiting on the sellers to find their dream home, which they have, but are in a bidding war.
Were not in a rush. I'd like to move in before Christmas but we have another child due in January so we can wait if we have to. The house isn't going anywhere and the mortgage offer is good for six months.
I'd like to thank you again for voting leave. You have done me and my family a great service.
It's true. Not all superheroes wear capes.
I'm assuming you don't wear one. Although your Dickensian values you extrude on here suggest otherwise.
But still. Thank you for your vote.