Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
But it's OK for OG to call Daily Mail readers mentally retarded!!! There must be some sort of 'ism' 'ist'or 'phobia' in there somewhere???. I am greatly offended by it but don't have a trendy lefty pressure group to agitate about it. It's amazing how freedom of speech only applies to morally superior people.
Yes it is OK to call readers that express racist views such as "send them all back" and "no more foreign vermin", mentally retarded, both views actually published this week, tell me, how else would you describe them.?
This is you will note not a general statement as I too read the Daily Mail, or have you forgotten that, and my post did get some green ticks among the red

Why did that offend you? Kindly explain yourself, better still read them for yourself, just this once check the facts.
The headlines themselves are inflammatory, intended to gain what could easily be a violent reaction by playing on the fears of their readers in the certain knowledge that they lack the ability to see through what the paper is trying to incite them to do.
Do you think being so easily influenced qualifies them as Mensa members?
It is no insult, more of a statement of the obvious.
Or are you offended as you subscribe to their extreme views?
The purpose behind these headlines is to keep the more easily induced brexit voters from deserting a sinking ship as price rises and bad publicity dent their fantasy ,by focusing on their prejudices against foreigners.
That is why this is so insidious.

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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Here's a question for you, gray198
'Go away, you shouldn't be here. Don't come back': The corner of Yorkshire that has almost no white residents
  • There are almost no white residents to be found in Savile Town, Yorkshire
  • Last census found only 48 of 4,033 people living there were white British
  • Even lady selling ice cream from a van during the summer wears a burka
That is in the Daily Mail Thursday morning, so tell me, what is the purpose of this editorial?
is it
  • To promote racial harmony
  • To promote racist remarks
  • To offer a solution to what it sees as a problem that can be solved
  • designed to keep the pot boiling under the racist tendencies of the pro Brexit voters?
Care to offer your assessment?
An update: for once there were some actually critical responses from some readers, and still most are clearly obsessed with race, as in this response
"I think that this report is quite possibly the most scary thing that I have ever read........"
Which got so far 5694 Agree ticks and only 280 disagree.

Again I ask, what was the purpose of this article?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
You can object to OG's post. That's your prerogative. But my objection to tilsons repetitive abuse stands he had no need to post his picture, then to continue the insults. Why? it added nothing but offence. . The only common theme is woman idiot and Scottish. Racial and or sexual harassment. Debate appears to be lacking in his posts.
I think you are over reacting D8ve. Let's look at each element of my statement:

1) Tiny: There can be no argument that Nicola is small in stature. Nothing offensive there, merely an observation.

2) Scottish: She is Indeed Scottish as are many people who have achieved great things. No inference from me that being Scottish automatically means reduced ability having a lesser status.

3) Idiot: My opinion of Nicola Sturgeon is that she is a self obsessed, pixie faced, opportunistic cow who wants to make her mark on history regardless of the consequences for Scottland. She had her referendum and the message from that was clear in that Scotland wanted to be part of the U.K. I believe that her continued awful moaning about independence makes her an idiot. Especially so given her spend to income ratio.

4) Woman: Now I will concede that this one is open to debate and that I may be wrong. I say this for two reasons, firstly Jimmy Cranky; Man / Woman or Boy / Girl? Who knows? Secondly, when at the debating lectern, why are her feet approximately 0.5 metres apart? A 0.5 metre foot placement is far too wide (watch next time she is on the telly) and to this day I am still haunted by the sight. Exactly what is lurking up her kilt?

When someone puts them self up for public office, they must accept that along with the praise comes a certain amount of flack. Especially so if they behave badly or promote a contentious issue.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
When someone puts them self up for public office, they must accept that along with the praise comes a certain amount of flack. Especially so if they behave badly or promote a contentious issue.
Very droll tillson by the way it's Fliegerabwehrkanone, shortened to flak, I would have expected someone who's avatar seems to be wearing "two gongs" would know that.
And by the way when I wear a kilt if I stood with my feet as far apart as you suggest i would need to lean against the bar to avoid falling over!
  • :D
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I wonder if May is pining her hopes on the verdict due to be delivered at 10:00 hrs? It could give her a blame free way out.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Aug 4, 2014
I think you are over reacting D8ve. Let's look at each element of my statement:

1) Tiny: There can be no argument that Nicola is small in stature. Nothing offensive there, merely an observation.

2) Scottish: She is Indeed Scottish as are many people who have achieved great things. No inference from me that being Scottish automatically means reduced ability having a lesser status.

3) Idiot: My opinion of Nicola Sturgeon is that she is a self obsessed, pixie faced, opportunistic cow who wants to make her mark on history regardless of the consequences for Scottland. She had her referendum and the message from that was clear in that Scotland wanted to be part of the U.K. I believe that her continued awful moaning about independence makes her an idiot. Especially so given her spend to income ratio.

4) Woman: Now I will concede that this one is open to debate and that I may be wrong. I say this for two reasons, firstly Jimmy Cranky; Man / Woman or Boy / Girl? Who knows? Secondly, when at the debating lectern, why are her feet approximately 0.5 metres apart? A 0.5 metre foot placement is far too wide (watch next time she is on the telly) and to this day I am still haunted by the sight. Exactly what is lurking up her kilt?

When someone puts them self up for public office, they must accept that along with the praise comes a certain amount of flack. Especially so if they behave badly or promote a contentious issue.
You do take an unusually keen intetest in ms sturgeons stature. I imagine its from many long evenings staring at the tv with a febrile cocktail of lust and self loathing,not knowing whether she will appear or not. Look its ok to be infatuated,there is no point trying to resist true love. Go with it.


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 15, 2011
I'm not sure, it's hard to tell what is happening.

One thing that I am sure of is that May is anti-BREXIT.
are you hinting that brexit may not happen?


Oct 25, 2006
I am intrigued why Theresa May is so headlong committed to Brexit and it appears as hard as possible.
There's another way of looking at this which could be in her mind.

The terms for leaving may become so unacceptable that we have to abandon leaving the EU. In that circumstance abandonment will have gained widespread support, leaving the remaining hard core leavers disappointed.

But they won't blame her since she's shown such committment to Brexit and instead just blame the stubborn EU. And those who agree that we should abandon Brexit will be happy that she's accepted that.

This could leave her secure in her post, but even if it didn't she wouldn't be concerned. She and her husband are wealthy, she'll have achieved the highest office in the land, and she is old enough to consider an enjoyable retirement. What's not to like?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
You can object to OG's post. That's your prerogative. But my objection to tilsons repetitive abuse stands he had no need to post his picture, then to continue the insults. Why? it added nothing but offence. . The only common theme is woman idiot and Scottish. Racial and or sexual harassment. Debate appears to be lacking in his posts.
The problem with the people to whom you take exception Dave is that they don't understand the meaning of the word 'racism' - they think they do but they don't! Just because someone passes the time of day with a black bloke at work or down the pub doesn't mean that person isn't racist but to those whom you refer, that is justification enough to demonstrate in their minds that they are obviously not racist.

Sadly, with regard to the subject matter of this thread, such an inability to comprehend that discrimination on the basis of colour is not the only form of racism, is commonly accompanied by the inability to distinguish between tory government policies and those of the EU. It is not by accident that all the extreme right-wing groups flocked to demonstrate their devotion to the UK, (although perhaps to England would be more accurate), when minor, fascist politicians began their rabble-rousing rhetoric, pre-referendum.

One only needs to discover who owns the gutter press, read by so many of the 'Brexit' devotees and appreciate why they print what they do, to understand where the motivation for all the racist, fascist and anarchist groupings comes from. The hatred for all forms of socialism, trade unions, foreigners, immigrants, the sick, the disabled, the poor and the lower classes generally, reflects the base instincts of mankind. We like to think that the UK is a civilised society but unfortunately, we have failed to progress much beyond the 19th century in many ways.

Today, the judiciary will rule on the matter of Article 50 but I have little faith in that body of people, so closely connected with the same upper class I mentioned. It will be interesting to to hear their pronouncement and perhaps an explanation of the logic behind their decision, nonetheless.

It may have escaped some of the anti-EU brigade that none of the major 'Brexit' spokespersons emerged in politics from a poor background. Were those people to look to our history, they would note that Oswald Mosley, another fascist with the de rigueur racist views and close connections to royalty and high society, didn't exactly pull himself up by his bootlaces from an ignoble birth.

D8ve, you are absolutely right to feel aggrieved by some of the comments from the 'Brexit' camp in this forum but you need to understand that these people have no shame. Such repulsive people are the backbone of the tory party, blindly following the opinions presented to them by the tory high-command via their propaganda organs, the British news media. From an early age, they have been indoctrinated and we know from experience how such mind-bending works. The RC church has depended on the teachings of the Jesuits for its survival and the British military, like all others, delivers a particular way of ensuring obediance and solidarity in such a professional, well-honed manner that the recipients don't even realise they have been brainwashed. Lifelong compliance results!



Oct 25, 2006
the British military, like all others, delivers a particular way of ensuring obediance and solidarity in such a professional, well-honed manner that the recipients don't even realise they have been brainwashed. Lifelong compliance results!

Didn't work with me though Tom. Six years in but I still remained the rebel inside throughout, just practising the art of acting!
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Official Trade Member
Apr 15, 2011
I'm not sure, it's hard to tell what is happening.

One thing that I am sure of is that May is anti-BREXIT.
Why do you think she is anti-Brexit?
If she is anti-Brexit then why is she spending so much effort in fighting this legal action to keep the vote away from Parliament,it's a very expensive smokescreen.
I agree that it could all be a bluff,but why does she need to go through this charade,unless she is worried about civil strife by ardent right wingers......she could let parliament have a free vote and if they voted remain,which looks likely,she could then blame parliament for exiting Brexit.
Boris has been quiet of late but today he said that 'THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE A TITANIC SUCCESS OF BREXIT'......I'LL BET THAT WENT DOWN WELL !!!!!!


Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
Why do you think she is anti-Brexit?
If she is anti-Brexit then why is she spending so much effort in fighting this legal action to keep the vote away from Parliament,it's a very expensive smokescreen.
I agree that it could all be a bluff,but why does she need to go through this charade,unless she is worried about civil strife by ardent right wingers......she could let parliament have a free vote and if they voted remain,which looks likely,she could then blame parliament for exiting Brexit.
Boris has been quiet of late but today he said that 'THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE A TITANIC SUCCESS OF BREXIT'......I'LL BET THAT WENT DOWN WELL !!!!!!
To blatantly defy the BREXIT vote would be a new low for parliament. It's hard to believe that they can sink any lower, but defying the referendum would do it.

As I've said before, to just ignore the vote would provide fertile ground for right wing politics and seriously weaken Con Lab Libs. In addition, I think it would lead to civil unrest.

I have reached the conclusion that we will not be leaving the EU. Whether that is a good or bad thing is what divides us on this thread. What is a very bad and dangerous situation is that if we don't leave, it sets us off down the road of ignoring a democratic decision. After it has been done once, it doesn't seem so outrageous the second time. Whilst it may delight those who support remain on this occasion, will that always be so when similar decisions to ignore democracy are taken in future?

The consequences of a blatant rejection of the referendum are so serious that I think May will spend whatever sum of money is necessary to engineer and hoodwinking the public into remaining in the EU.
  • Disagree
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Esteemed Pedelecer
May 29, 2008
I see that the first element of the great deception is in place.

Stand-by for a half arsed appeal.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Apr 30, 2007
Suva, Fiji
Interesting that the High Court made that decision - I think it is correct but it will have to go to the Supreme Court before we have clarity. Bit of a spanner, at least temporarily, in the 3 Brexiteers plans to charge ahead off the cliff.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
To blatantly defy the BREXIT vote would be a new low for parliament. It's hard to believe that they can sink any lower, but defying the referendum would do it.

As I've said before, to just ignore the vote would provide fertile ground for right wing politics and seriously weaken Con Lab Libs. In addition, I think it would lead to civil unrest.

I have reached the conclusion that we will not be leaving the EU. Whether that is a good or bad thing is what divides us on this thread. What is a very bad and dangerous situation is that if we don't leave, it sets us off down the road of ignoring a democratic decision. After it has been done once, it doesn't seem so outrageous the second time. Whilst it may delight those who support remain on this occasion, will that always be so when similar decisions to ignore democracy are taken in future?

The consequences of a blatant rejection of the referendum are so serious that I think May will spend whatever sum of money is necessary to engineer and hoodwinking the public into remaining in the EU.
How ironic life can be, as from the very beginning and even now, I believe we will leave.
Not that I view this with anything less than utter dismay!
We are back where we started tillson, you and I now how is that for irony?
