Why are the power hungry & ability deficient Tory leadership candidates still engaging in a kind of reverse bidding war with each other? The first lot up for auction was the amount of damage each could do to the economy. This saw the hopefuls making ever greater promises regarding the speed and harshness with which we would leave the EU under their leadership. The greater the crash-out and the least consideration for business, topping the bids.
Now they seem to have turned their attention to controlled drugs, with Jeremy (silent C) Hunt opening the bidding with a confession to taking Class B Cannabis. Michael Gove has fought back going straight for Class A confessional with Cocaine. Boom!! No messing, what an absolute powerhouse of a man.
This rapid rise now leaves very little room for the others to outbid this pair. If he’s quick, Johnson could get in with a confession to supplying Class A (maybe Crack-Cocaine) for another person’s use. That would just edge out Gove. Then perhaps Leadsom could go for the slam-dunk by owning up to running a crystal-meth lab?
Honestly, I’ve never witnessed anything like it. It just needs Tim Whatacock off the BBC's Bargain Hunt to narrate the leadership contest, and the hideous spectacle will be complete.
What’s next? Is anyone going to say how they plan to solve Brexit? More likely we will see a new bidding war erupt. This time with Javid opening the auction by owning up to wearing a gimp mask & crotch-less rubber trousers whilst having a pineapple shoved up his jacksie by a young Turkish man. Top that Rory Stewart. Let’s hear what you’ve got, you unworthy lightweight pussy.
l actually like Rory Stewart and think he has the most about him. Out of all the other tit-heads, he seems to have the most dignity and stands out as different, so I don’t expect him to join the bidding. He was on the radio a couple of days ago giving straight answers to questions. That will never catch on.