Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
But leavers didn't win...….we haven't left and they will want to give the Government a bloody nose(in my opinion)
leaving is the job for the next PM and it's not Mr Farage, so why vote for him?
Farage may have large donations but he still needs foot soldiers.
don't forget, Farage's success depends on conservative activists supporting him.
They are now busy supporting their next PM.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
Yes, but Brexit party has risen substantially since the last poll a week ago. His party has become more popular every day since it started. It's the same with Tommy Robinson's news channel, which increases its membership by at least 3.5% every week since it started.
It’s not going to happen my friend. This will turn out to be the briefest episode of pan flashing.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
this may be interesting:

A leaked memo from the government side, not agreed by Labour or the cabinet, suggested there could be a "free vote" in Parliament on another referendum.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
It's not being righteous, it's looking at the facts.

Theresa May was the worst Home Secretary in history. She made numerous poor decisions that has resulted in a severely damaged police service which is not coping. This was despite her being advised and warned about the consequences of her actions. Virtually everything she was warned about has happened.

The point I was making was that the old codger viewed Theresa May as a successful Home Secretary. She wasn't, she was terrible, the Police, Windrush, Border Force, the list goes on and on. Theresa May is a complete failure in all walks of life. Therefore, the old codger has severely flawed judgement, which is proven by her views on Theresa May. That flawed judgement then calls into question whether the old codger's view that Brexit is a desirable proposition, is a good one. That's all, nothing righteous in that. (Try saying my statement is racist or Islamophobic, that seems to be the current fashionable technique to close down discussion.)
I take it you are replying to the resident pest?
Not worth the bother.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
a week is a long time in the current political climate.
Day after day, the past catches up with Mr Farage.
After all, TM is going to be replaced by a 'proper brexiteer' - those who say they'll vote for Farage may just as well stay at home and wait for that 'proper brexiteer' to leave with no deal or vote conservative on the day.
What a delight to watch, Gove or Boris savaging Farage like a terrier with a rat!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I was curious about just what manner of beast "YouGov" actually is.

My God they are another very dubious outfit I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them.
The name is intended to engender trust as if the enjoy some sort of connection with the Government, they are in fact a consortium that data mines your data for reasons undeclared if you daft enough to sign up, you get a "Monkey on your back" that tags you even to the extent of your movements!
How many people take part in their polls unaware of the real nature of you gov?
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
The Express has started the big sell on Chlorinated Chickens and low food standards
‘A land of opportunity’ – Why US will be KEY to British businesses after Brexit
BUSINESSES are poised to take advantage of a whole new “land of opportunity” after Brexit - by investing in the United States, an expert in overseas investment has predicted.
By Ciaran McGrath

Watch out for articles extolling the virtues of Health insurance being a better bet than the "ailing" NHS.
It will ironically solve the aging population crisis by causing them to die off through not having the means to enjoy health care.
The very people most likely to vote for Brexit!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
She hasn’t gone yet, and I won’t believe it until I see her leaving Number 10, but Boris Johnson appears to be the favourite to replace Theresa May.

How can anyone believe that Johnson is a fit and proper person to become the PM? The man is indisputably a liar and is able to lie with astonishing ease.

What seems to have been erased from very recent history is Jonson’s public statement that he had voted in the local elections. It was proven beyond any doubt that he had not voted, and an act such as voting or not voting can’t be put down to forgetfulness, or a mistake. It was a deliberate and calculated lie, constructed for the sole purpose of perverting the outcome of the local elections. This one act alone should be enough to illustrate just how complete Johnson’s contempt for the British public is.

Why has the matter been pushed out of the news so quickly and effectively? It’s a subject of the most serious nature. Our potential PM is definitely, and without any question whatsoever, a confirmed liar.

I doubt if any of the above will be of the slightest concern to our Brexit friends. All Johnson needs to do is chant “ Here we go WTO” and they will fall in and follow him into his world of lies and deceit. The DM comments section confirms this suspicion. I honestly can’t believe how utterly stupid people are to fall for this man. How can anyone be sufficiently slow minded not to work out that Johnson represents nothing that will benefit them, and everything that will harm them. Children, all of them.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
the only brexit BJ can do is to walk out without a deal but I don't think he will get a majority for no deal brexit because parliament has already defeated that motion earlier.
He will be forced to call a new GE before October, that's JC's strategy.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 19, 2012
Presuming Boris takes over, what happens if he just runs the clock down ?
Will The EU extend the deadline (even if Boris doesn't ask for one) or kick us out.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 2, 2019
Presuming Boris takes over, what happens if he just runs the clock down ?
Will The EU extend the deadline (even if Boris doesn't ask for one) or kick us out.
That’s a possibility. He will be weak like May though, because he’s short of MPs. That weakness will be a factor for whoever takes over. Every single problem May has now will still exist.
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Oct 25, 2006
Every single problem May has now will still exist.
Indeed, a change of leader doesn't of itself change anything. They need a leader who's a realist with considerable practical experience. Personally I favour Rory Stewart, he has wisdom beyond his years, born of long travelling and working experience in Asia, and his knowledge of international affairs in Asia, the Middle East and Africa is unrivalled.

Here's his Wikipedia record
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Sep 29, 2016
Presuming Boris takes over, what happens if he just runs the clock down ?
Will The EU extend the deadline (even if Boris doesn't ask for one) or kick us out.
Huh!. At no stage has the EU" Kicked you out". All the action has been the UKs and all the reactions the EU .
The legal position is that the UK has requested an extension from the EU until October. The EU has acceded to that request. Unless the UK requests another extension, the EU has no authority and the de facto situation is that the UK will have then exited. The UK could of course just revoke by act of Parliament their decision to leave..and of course pigs might fly.
The position remains that the UK is still in the driving seat,but if they wish to be in the EU,in any guise, in November, they must make a decision.
The only action which is not in the UKs control is whether an extension willl be acceptable to the EU in October.I suspect that it will not be, and Macrons view will prevail.
