Brexit, for once some facts.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
For many years, former PMs, presidents and the like have commanded some impressive fees for after-dinner (and similar) speaking.

Just where in the scale of fees will TM fit?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 8, 2012
Taking all that into account you have too question why when we were in so powerful position of power and influence, we allowed fools to bring us to Brexit that clearly only serves a few nutters and of course outside states that want to destabilise the EU?
Who are these lunatics? how are we to rid ourselves of their pernicious influence?
They are gifting Europe into becoming a German led superstate.
How on Earth is that to our advantage?
Behold the monster you've created.
Its a fcck up of epic proportions. We're going to be stuck in some never-ending Brexit movie for the rest of time at this rate. Seriously. This is going to take decades to rid from our collective group psyche. But. Here we are. What a thing.


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 7, 2017
West West Wales
If Philippa is a remainer at heart, do as we did in my constituency in the 2017 GE. That had long been a marginal swinging either way by very small margins, and the incumbent was the repugnant Tory insider Gavin Barwell with 167 majority.

So we had a big Labour and Momentum campaign to get all the Labour vote out to elect Labour candidate Sarah Jones who is a Remainer. It worked, Sarah won with over 5600 majority, a record, and Barwell, out of a job, became an aide to Theresa May in Downing Street, helping her to mess up Brexit.

We'd sent a message, we really didn't like the way the Tories had been running the show or Barwell's obsequious grovelling in Parliament.
I simply had to vote anti-tory in 2017. But since then, that has been mis-represented as pro-brexit. To have let Crabb in by voting for one fo the others would have been sickening. But if he was destined to win anyway, perhaps I should have voted LD or PC?

(Obviously, you don't know what effect your vote will have. Which is what makes the decision so difficult.)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Well, retiring Prime Ministers produce an honours list, so if JC expedites May's deal, it could happen since she said she's going if the deal gets through.
There is the small matter of his obsession with a general election. Were very lucky to have both a prime minister and leader of opposition with autistic levels of self obsessed tunel vision


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
Surely there must be some mechanism available to Parliament to rid itself of this liability using long established legal safeguards to protect the country from someone so detached from reality?
What possible advantage is there in May remaining as prime minister to anyone?
(Excepting Vladimir and the Donald of course)
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Dec 27, 2018
Surely there must be some mechanism available to Parliament to rid itself of this liability using long established legal safeguards to protect the country from someone so detached from reality?
What possible advantage is there in May remaining as prime minister to anyone?
Well, compared to boris or gove she's positively charming..
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