Brexit, for once some facts.


Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
A political party is defined by its members and their choices. Labour chose to have Blair as their leader and to follow his path to power. Blair and everything which went with him was what Labour chose to be. Nothing stands still, what we understand something to be today can change tomorrow. Blair was Labour during that era and rebranding it New Labour changes nothing.
I don't know if you follow polls.
LibDems and I suspect any new pro EU centrist party are harvesting remainers who are disappointed with a divided left and an equally divided right.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
I suspect that micro-targeting for political ads has been stopped, and also fake news.
Political advertising itself is of course allowed.
I posted one on here this morning! on post # 44125
This wasn't a general release......
I would love to know the mailing list!
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 15, 2015
A political party is defined by its members and their choices. Labour chose to have Blair as their leader and to follow his path to power. Blair and everything which went with him was what Labour chose to be. Nothing stands still, what we understand something to be today can change tomorrow. Blair was Labour during that era and rebranding it New Labour changes nothing.
Wrong on all counts
New Labour was quite definitely not the original labour Party and completely dissociated itself from that agenda.
It only held on to the word Labour to parasite off the traditional labour vote
rebranding itself new labour to attract people who were sick of the Tory sleaze and corruption rife at that time, and with the support of the right wing press got this corrupt Tory light party into power by subverting the labour voters for support.
It was every bit as big and successful a con as Brexit is.
and it came it with the same lies and promises, that proved just as hollow, then turned into a lapdog of the USA, marching off obediently into their war.

I'm surprised you fall for such nonsense as "New Labour changes Nothing"
It kept Tory policies in power for years.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
It only held on to the word Labour to parasite off the traditional labour vote
rebranding itself new labour to attract people who were sick of the Tory sleaze and corruption rife at that time, and with the support of the right wing press got this corrupt Tory light party into power by subverting the labour voters for support.
are you not fed up with everyone accuses all their opponents with corruption?


Esteemed Pedelecer
Nov 26, 2016
Arguing Blair was not labour is both stupid and dangerous.
Examine his route to leader of Labour party (before PM) and he needed support of majority of Labour MPs, majority of Labour party members, majority of unions and a majority of all socialist societies.
He was Labour but didnt follow labour doctrines but he gained complete support of all mentioned, and kept it, throughout his tenure.
Its dangerous because saying he was not Labour is denying he was a product of the Labour party, which he obviously was.
If May decided to take a lead from Corbyn, introduce social reform and nationalise many industries she would still be a tory, and a product of Tory party.
Saying Blair was a Tory is simply done to deflect the stigma he has produced away from the Labour party. Its a silly argument.
Labour should take responsibility and change to stop such things happening again, which it has. Corbyn has hijacked Labour and it has been allowed to happen to expunge the Blairites (tories?) within the party.
The party has lost direction and will never regain it until this nonesense is stopped and a real Labour party representing the actual social situation of country emerges. It will never happen under Corbyn. Perhaps Milliband??
Its an argument made by people doing so to sound informed and knowledgeable about Blair policies. It is missing the point. He was allowed to use Labour just as Corbyn has been allowed to do.
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
I actually would vote for new Labour rather than for JC's party.
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Esteemed Pedelecer
Jan 26, 2015
The European Union
He lost the plot...
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Trade Member
May 19, 2012
Southend on Sea
He would still be in power had it not been for Bush/Iraq/Kelly etc etc..
Imagine what our future PM will have to do if Donald Trump starts bombing Teheran.
As for Blair handing over PM-ship to Brown, it's certainly not for the good of the country.


Oct 25, 2006
A political party is defined by its members and their choices. Labour chose to have Blair as their leader and to follow his path to power. Blair and everything which went with him was what Labour chose to be. Nothing stands still, what we understand something to be today can change tomorrow. Blair was Labour during that era and rebranding it New Labour changes nothing.
Completely wrong.

A political party is defined by its policies and New Labour's policies were not Labour policies.

Labour policies from those of its founder Keir Hardie were always left wing socialism. New Labour's policies under its founder Blair were right of middle, so much so that they were often called Tory.

The members were conned into choosing Blair by his ill defined definition of New Labour, but having now woken up have ditched New Labour and returned to their origins.
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Oct 25, 2006
He would still be in power had it not been for Bush/Iraq/Kelly etc etc..
No, the 2008 international recession would still have resulted in the same change to Tory in 2010. Just circumstances and bad luck, the electorate don't like being made worse off, whatever does it.
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