All problems have simple solutions .These solutions are obvious to both very bright and very simple people. The solutions suggested by the very bright people usually work, the simple solutions proposed by the simple people usually don't. Guess which side of that divide I would place Ms Foster?.
Had she had the wisdom to step aside for a short period at the onset of the RHI ,as had been gently requested, you would have a parliament, she would be a working First Minister and the wrongness of the DUP stance, regarding Brexit would have been exposed. I am astonished by your provinces forebearance in this matter.
I suggest there is a little of the " royal we" in her saying " we discussed " , my expectation is that Simon would have nodded at most.
While the UK is nominally the 5 largest economy, it is sitting with no noticeable gap with the next three economies. Indeed the German economy , the one in 4th place is not quite double the UK value,. The point here being that by this time next year ut coukd have dropped to 9th place,with little effort