Today I hear that Caroline Noakes (The minister for immigrants

) is in Dover pretending to be doing something about the good for nothing chancers washing up on uk shores aboard air beds. Dover is the wrong place, she needs to be positioned 50 metres of the French coast with a giant hat pin, popping air beds.
The BBC report: Only one of the Border Force's fleet of five cutters - specialist boats which the force describes as being capable of rescuing several migrant boats at the same time - is currently operational in the Dover Strait.
The above is excellent news and let’s hope that the one boat falls into disrepair very soon. The fewer rescue craft the better. We need defences to stop the boats landing and a fleet of landing craft to return any that do make it ashore in the U.K. straight back to the French coast.
There will be a huge loss of life soon, let us hope that it’s no one from the U.K. These mindless, selfish & sponging clowns are not needed or welcome in the U.K.