there is no point asking MPs to separate the political declaration from the withdrawal deal. The MPs will vote for the whole package. The EU can still negotiate well into January on the smaller aspects such as adding more flexibility into how NI can be pulled out of the customs union and SM.There are two documents circulating at present. A Deal and a proposal. The Deal is about the facts of withdrawal. The proposal is more aspirational. The HoC is required to vote on the DEAL. on 11 Dec.
Tilsons post was about the Deal.
The Deal exists, it will not be re negociated by the EU inside a 4 month window, if ever. So believing that it may, is wishful thinking
As before I have no wish to engage in internal UK political matters,so what nuances British Politicians put on various aspects of the prospectus is an internal matter. At this moment in time, the proposal is fluid and aspirational.