Some things to consider for leave voters.
Huge sums of money were proven to be provided to fund the leave campaign, even to the extent of using a rule in Northern Ireland to circumvent the maximum total allowed and who is doing so, and a huge propaganda effort expended after the referendum to prevent people changing their minds.
Let's look at the money first
Why would anyone invest in something unless they are going to profit from it?
And why are the names of the donors kept secret?
There can only be either one or even all four of the following optional answers that fit the question, here they are
- A Foreign power wants to Damage the EU
- Commercial interests want the public at their mercy to profit from selling off and privatising National assets like the NHS
- Fascist interests want to destroy worker's protections and rights to run a Singapore style slave labour economy
- to protect the Offshore asset Tax swindles from EU regulations.
If you are in denial about this your alternative reasoning is overdue for public exposure, so now is the time for you to explain why so much dubious money has been invested in Gaining and maintaining the Brexit vote.
And why that is in the Public interest?