Suspicious story on both sides.Vacationing Russians seem to have outstayed their welcome in Ukraine and now have an interest in English medieval architecture...
Our government claimed they travelled on false names but insisted they had firm evidence that they were FSB agents. If they didn't know their identity they couldn't have known what they did for a living. And if they really were FSB, they surely wouldn't have been so obvious as to travel together directly from Moscow, attempt killing and quickly leave directly back to Moscow. Russia is far more skilled at this game than that.
But the Russian mens story doesn't ring true either, I suspect them being trotted out to discredit our claims, good acting though if true.
It wouldn't surprise me if the Ukraine was behind the actual episode, perhaps on behalf of the UK. They are very bitter about losing the Crimea, over a quarter of their population are Ukrainian Russians so plenty with Ukrainian sympathies to choose from, and they were deeply involved in all KGB matters while in the USSR so probably are familiar with such as Novichok. And the Ukraine would have no compunction about killing a couple of Russians.