Yellow card!
You have beaten the Catalonia roads horse to death. Catalonia is not Spain (at least 19% of the people who live there think that...) and the corruption by leading politicians in Catalonia puts the PP in the beginners category. The government in Madrid turned a blind eye to what you are describing because they were raping other lush young virgins...
Give up. You know SFA about the rest of Europe. Go check out the infrastructure paid for by the EU in Wales then come back and talk about corruption.
Sorry to be explicit, I hope you have a thick skin but you are really talking cr@p...
No offence taken at all. Your reply is actually polite and relatively sensible.
I don't pretend to know about entire EU. I said the regions I have had experience with are corrupt.
As for EU and its spending on Planer trees, locks never used commercially, roofs on quiet town halls to tune of 36 million euro and now used for the occasional indoor market and nothing else I do know a bit about.
The EU knows exactly who and what to target. The mayors, town officials, the local already rich business men. All influential and now devout EU supporters. They approach local officials for cash... No chance. Regional... No chance. National.. No chance. But good old EU comes up trumps. Castles, locks, town halls, wine cellars, roads, canals all have had approaching billions of EU money... Yes it keeps some in work, lots. Of course it does. Places look superb.
But answer this why hasn't that cash gone to hospitals, schools, sports centres, homes and houses. Take a drive into poorer parts of Mars (edit Marseille but in your case?,,) and tell me money would not be better spent there.
As for doing things to death. Perhaps, but that process of mis spent millions going on essentially rural projects is being repeated again and again. And folk do not see either what's actually happening or what could be being done.
The Canal Du Midi from its inception was always made to work on private funding. The king in 1686 gave his blessing but not a cent toward its construction. It managed for almost 200 years without a single planer tree. Now it seems both the trees and EU funding are essential. Wonder why,??
And BTW Catalonia is part of Spain. Spain ranked 42nd out of 180 for corrupt countries. France was 23rd. (Including its bit of Calalonia)